Our emergency response
We have robust plans for ensuring the safety and welfare of our people and continued operation of core activities— before, during and after an emergency.
Our Incident Management Team manages any emergency response at the University. This team is responsible for our emergency response plans and it carries out regular training and response exercises for a range of possible emergencies.
In a large scale emergency, the team will activate an Emergency Operations Centre at Campus Operations, 6 Waiteata Road, Kelburn campus (city side of Rankine Brown)
Looking after people
In the event of an emergency, the University is focused on students and staff welfare. It’s best people make their way home if possible, but if necessary we will set up welfare hubs to support people who might need medical or emotional help, or a place to eat and sleep.
Emergency resources
The University is equipped with Automatic External Defibrillators (AED), Civil Defence supply cabinets and first aid kits. Find out where they are.
Victoria Rescue response team
The Victoria Rescue response team provides light rescue and emergency response services to the University and wider community.