Potential hazards and disruptions
Find out how to plan for, deal with and respond to hazards and disruptions while working at the University.
To work with or around asbestos you need an asbestos permit, and must be qualified in asbestos management or removal.
Confined spaces
Work in confined spaces requires a permit, and workers must be qualified to carry out any work in confined spaces.
Diesel fuel tanks
There are several large diesel tanks at Kelburn campus. Check with your University liaison to see if your work will be near one of these high-risk locations.
Electrical safety
Electrical work may have a significant effect on University operations.
Filming on campus
Discuss your work with your University liaison before you begin filming on campus.
Fumes and dust
Vapours, gas, fumes and dust can put workers and the public at risk when inhaled.
Loss of utilities—gas
Discuss any work that could put gas connections at risk with your University liaison, and put a plan in place to manage any loss of service.
Loss of utilities—power
Talk to your University liaison before you begin any work that could affect electricity connections, and put a plan in place to manage any loss of service.
Loss of utilities—water, waste, and sprinklers
Losing water or sewerage has a big impact on the University. Discuss any work with your University liaison before you begin, and put a management plan in place.
Noisy work
Noise is one of the biggest disruptors to University operations.
Science buildings—laboratories, equipment and hazardous substances
Laboratories are located at Kelburn campus, Wellington Hospital, Seaview, and at the Ferrier and Paihau—Robinson Research Institutes in Gracefield.
Security risk
Find out what to do if your work could create a security risk.
Service tunnels
The service tunnels on Kelburn campus can present their own set of specific hazards.
Slips, trips, and falls
Slips, trips and falls are the most commonly reported incidents and accidents at the University.
Traffic management
Any work in a pedestrian or vehicle traffic area must have a traffic management plan (TMP).
Vibration can distress members of the University community and make it difficult to work.
Working at height
All work where the worker's feet are above 2 metres, or a worker can fall 2 metres, requires a permit.
Working with drones
Before using a drone on campus you must discuss the work with your University liaison.