Cauliflower on outdoor table

PGCertPS in Health

The Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Studies (PGCertPS) is a flexible qualification that you can customise to match your study goals. See what your options are if you want to focus on Health.

Courses that reflect the health sector

Health is a big topic with many areas to explore. Whether your goal is to enhance your career prospects, bridge knowledge gaps, or embark on a new career path, the Wellington Faculty of Health offers a diverse selection of courses to suit your needs.

Explore our offerings in areas such as health economics, health leadership and management, health promotion, health psychology, health services, Māori health, Pacific health, physical activity, or workplace health and safety.

You can also complement your health courses with courses offered by other faculties, such as the Wellington School of Business and Government.

A profile image of Fiona Jones.

I like that (my programme) was designed to develop professionals who can challenge existing paradigms and become innovative problem-solvers.

Fiona Jones

Graduate of the Wellington Faculty of Health

Recommended course combinations

Community health

The following courses will build your understanding of unique populations in Aotearoa New Zealand and their health and wellbeing needs.

Health management

The following courses will provide you with an advanced understanding of health leadership and management. Complement these courses with 15 points from an area of your choice, such as business.

Health economics

These courses will give you an overview of health sector operation and policy and the key concepts of health economics.

Physical activity and sport promotion

The following course options will allow you to build a programme that supports your specific physical activity and sport promotion learning needs.

Physical activity and sport system

These courses will give you the opportunity to explore the physical activity and sport system in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Choose courses from the following:

Explore all available courses

The PGCertPS is made up of courses worth 60 points. If you want to focus on the area of health, at least 40 of those points need to be from courses offered by the Wellington Faculty of Health.

You can choose courses from across the Faculty to build a cohesive package that suits your professional goals and previous study experience. Follow the links listed below to see what postgraduate courses are offered within each general area of study:

Get in touch

If you’re keen to find out more about the PGCertPS, fill in our form—we’ll put you in touch with an academic adviser from your area of interest.

Go to the form
A woman stands beside a student at a screen in the workplace.

Financial support

Furthering your education can be a big investment, both time-wise and financially. Many organisations offer tuition reimbursement programmes or other forms of financial support for their employees’ education. This can greatly reduce the financial burden of postgraduate study and make it easier for you to focus on your education.

Two women talking at a high table in their office

Asking your employer for support

Read our blog about how pursuing postgraduate study can be a win-win for you and your employer.

See the story

Choose a different area of focus

The PGCertPS gives you the flexibility to choose courses from across the University to build a customised qualification. You can choose a main area of focus, or you can keep your qualification broad and pursue your own unique course of study across multiple subject areas.

Apart from Health, you have the option of five other areas of focus:

Qualifying for a different postgraduate certificate

If the combination of courses you choose meets the requirements for another postgraduate certificate at this university, we’ll encourage you to take that programme instead of the PGCertPS.

Most of the postgraduate certificates offered in our faculty can act as a stepping stone into a higher qualification, such as a postgraduate diploma or a Master’s degree. If you are thinking about further study in the future, a postgraduate certificate is a great way to get a taste for a programme and decide if it’s right for you.

Other postgraduate certificates offered by the Wellington Faculty of Health include the following:

Research at Victoria University of Wellington.

Find out more about the PGCertPS

Get more details about the Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Studies—including when you can start and how you can apply for it.

Go to the PGCertPS page