About WorkSafe New Zealand
WorkSafe is New Zealand’s primary workplace health and safety regulator
WorkSafe supports New Zealanders to return home from work healthy and safe.
WorkSafe is Aotearoa New Zealand’s primary workplace health and safety regulator. They have three key roles:
- Providing regulatory confidence to ensure that there is confidence in WorkSafe as the primary regulator, that workplaces are managing health and safety and that there is confidence in the effectiveness of the health and safety regulatory regime.
- Harm prevention through targeting critical risks, delivering targeted interventions and improving attitudes and behaviour.
- System leadership in influencing and leveraging the health and safety system, leading by example and engaging with and educating duty holders about their responsibilities.
These responsibilities are defined in legislation, specifically by the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Visit www.worksafe.govt.nz to learn more.