Sandra Souto Pereira
PhD in Health Psychology: An exploration of primary healthcare provision for trans and gender diverse people in Aotearoa New Zealand
Sandra (she/her) is a PhD student at the School of Health. Her research focuses on improving primary healthcare provision for Takatāpui and other trans and gender diverse people in Aotearoa New Zealand. She hopes that through her research and being part of a community collective driving knowledge, she can provide a meaningful contribution to real-world changes. Sandra is originally from Brazil, she enjoys interacting with people, and has a friendly and outgoing approach. In her free time, Sandra hits the gym and plays for a women’s football team.
MSc in Heath Psychology and Clinical skills
BSc (Hons) Psychology and Counselling
Research interests
Sandra’s academic and research interests fall within the fields of health, sexuality, political, cultural, ethnic, and gender inequalities.
Pereira, S. S., Becker, S., & Gardiner, G. (2017). Sensitive Sexualities: Dichotomised Discourse in the erasure of Bisexuality. Psychology & Sexuality, 8(1-2), 118-131.
Pereira, S. S., Swainston, K., & Becker, S. (2019). The discursive Construction of Low-Risk to Sexually Transmitted Diseases Between Women Who are Sexually Active with Women. Journal of Culture, Health and Sexuality, 21 (11), 1309-1321.