Russell Pine

PhD in Health and Wellbeing: A Casual Video Game to Support Young Adolescents' Psychological Well-being in Aotearoa

Man smiling


Russell is a full-time doctoral candidate within the School of Health. His doctoral research examines the design, development and testing of a novel digital mental tool to enhancing psychological well-being in young adolescents .


Registered Educational Psychologist

Research interests

Digital Mental Health, Educational Psychology, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Adolescent Mental Health.


Pine, R., Mbinta, J., Te Morenga, L., & Fleming, T. (2021). A Casual Video Game With Psychological Well-being Concepts for Young Adolescents: Protocol for an Acceptability and Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(8), e31588. doi:10.2196/31588

Pine, R., Mbinta, J., Te Morenga, L., & Fleming, T. (2021). A Casual Video Game With Psychological Well-being Concepts for Young Adolescents: Protocol for an Acceptability and Feasibility Study (Preprint). doi:10.2196/preprints.31588

Pine, R. (2021). Your life, your way: acceptance and commitment therapy skills to help teens manage emotions and build resilience. Advances in Mental Health, 19(2), 218-219. doi:10.1080/18387357.2020.1860691

Pine, R., Sutcliffe, K., McCallum, S., & Fleming, T. (2020). Young adolescents’ interest in a mental health casual video game. Digital Health, 6. doi:10.1177/2055207620949391

Pine, R., Fleming, T., McCallum, S., & Sutcliffe, K. (2020). The effects of casual videogames on anxiety, depression, stress, and low mood: A systematic review. Games for Health Journal, 9(4), 255-264. doi:10.1089/g4h.2019.0132

Seals, C. A., Olsen-Reeder, V., Pine, R., Ash, M., & Wallace, C. (n.d.). Creating translingual teaching resources based on translanguaging grammar rules and pedagogical practices. Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 115-132. doi:10.29140/ajal.v3n1.303

Fleming, T., Sutcliffe, K., Lucassen, M., Pine, R., & Donkin, L. (2020). Serious Games and Gamification in Clinical Psychology. In Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Elsevier. Retrieved from

Pine, R. (2020). Teachers’ and health professionals’ attitudes towards adolescent mental health and digital mental health interventions. Advances in Mental Health. doi:10.1080/18387357.2020.1814160

Fleming, T., Sutcliffe, K., File, A., Anslow, C., McCallum, S., & Pine, R. (2019). Minigames for Micro Moments in Mental Health (Oral Presentation). In International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) 10th Scientific Meeting. Auckland.  
Pine, R. (n.d.). Teacher trainees’ attitudes and motivations towards learning te reo Māori. MAI Journal: A New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship, 7(2). doi:10.20507/maijournal.2018.7.2.4

Seals, C., Olsen-Reeder, V., Crawford, T. O., Pine, R., & Ash, M. (2018, June 28). He Puna Reo: Embracing New Zealand's Linguistic Diversity. Paper presented on the panel, Non-Western Approaches to and Views on Translanguaging in Multilingual Education.. In 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium (SS22). University of Auckland, New Zealand.



Associate Professor

School of Health

Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering

School of Engineering and Computer Science

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Lisa Temorenga