Roya Gorjifard

PhD candidate in Public Health: Teleworking as New Work Norm


Roya is a research doctoral candidate in the School of Health, focusing on the impact of teleworking and hybrid working models as emerging work norms. Roya's research aims to understand and analyse the hybrid model, exploring its effects on workers, work processes, and workplaces. Roya’s research intends to shed light on the implications of teleworking/hybrid working model and offer insights for organisations and individuals navigating this evolving work landscape.


Master of Engineering Safety, Health & Environment, University of Malaya
BSc of Physics, Shiraz University

Research interests

Occupational Health & Safety – Health, Safety & Environment – Teleworking & Hybrid Work – Future of Work


Link to google scholar


Gorjifard, R., & Crawford, J. (2021). Working from home: Impact on wellbeing and work-life balance. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations46(2), 64-78.

Sharifzadeh, M., & Gorjifard, R. (2008). Characterization of a new prepared Li2B4O7: Mn dosimeter for γ-irradiation high-dose dosimetry. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology (Sciences), 32(3), 221-226.

Gorjifard, R. (2020, December). Female Health and Safety Professional in the Workplace. New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM)/Members/Papers.

Gorjifard, S., & Sulaiman, N. M. N. (2014). A Trend of Haze 2013 in Malaysia and Singapore (Doctoral dissertation, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Kimia, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Malaya).

An update on the dengue incidence associated with the air pollution index during haze episode in 2013 in Kelang Valley
SR Gorjifard, NMN Sulaiman, N Aghamohammadi
46th APACPH Conference

Gorjifard, R., Sharifzadeh, M., & Taymuri Sichani, B. (2004). Preparation and investigation of three types of chemical dosimeters in Gamma Irradiation Center.

Gorjifard, R., & Sharifzadeh, M. (2003). Preparation and investigation of the ethanol-chlorobenzene (ECB) dosimeters. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 32-36.

Sharifzadeh, M., Sohrabpour, M., Gorjifard, R., & Khamoushi, C. (2002). Environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear power plant using thermoluminescence dosimetry.

Gorjifard, R. (2022). Bevan, Stephen, and Cary LCooper (2021) The healthy workforce: enhancing wellbeing and productivity in the workers of the future, 1st edition. Emerald Publishing Limited, UK, ISBN: 978‐1‐83867‐499‐1; 234 pages, 2021‐11‐15, (Online). Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources.



Professor of Health and Safety

School of Health

Senior Lecturer

School of Management