Visiting scholars
Apply to be a Visiting Scholar in the Wellington Faculty of Health.
Application Process
Applicants should send an expression of interest to a minimum of two months in advance of the proposed visit. The following information is required:
- Current CV
- Research Proposal or study plan
- Proposed dates of visit
- Statement from home institution to confirm that Victoria University of Wellington financial support is not required
Expressions of interest will be reviewed by the relevant Head of School or Centre and applicants will be notified by email within two weeks.
Conditions for acceptance
- The research project or study plan is related to the interests of at least one academic staff within the relevant School or Centre
- The School or Centre can accommodate the Visiting Scholar on the dates requested and provide the resources and support as detailed below
- The Visiting Scholar accepts responsibility for all financial arrangements, visa requirements, travel costs, insurance, accommodation and other personal costs
Resources offered and Bench fee
The Wellington Faculty of Health charges Visiting Scholars a bench fee of up to $1,000 as a contribution to School or Centre facilities. Schools and Centres offer to provide the following:
- The opportunity to present at a Faculty research seminar
- Shared computer with phone and internet access in the host School or Centre
- Access to University library
- Support from an academic staff member identified in advance of the visit
For further information on these guidelines, please contact