Manage your studies
Your Student Success Adviser
Talk to your Student Success Adviser for change of course requests, academic transcripts, degree planning or audits, credit transfer, approval of exchange programmes, or for help with any other academic matters.
Contact your Student Success Adviser if you have any concerns about the impact of the University's financial sustainability project on your programme of study.
Key dates
Timetables and tutorials
Use the myTimetable tool to see your personal lecture schedule. You'll also see any tutorials, labs, or studio sessions that you've already signed up for.
How to access Nuku, where to get your textbooks and course notes, how to find support, and what to do if you can't come to classes because you're sick.
Grades and academic progress
Exams and assessments
Course changes and re-enrolment
Your admin
Get your student ID card, update your contact details, set your password, and access your email account.
IT and printing
Find out how to access software, print and access saved files anywhere on campus.
New students
Being a new student is a big deal—whether it's your first time at university, you're embarking on postgraduate study or you've just moved to Wellington.