About the Centre
Read about the Centre's mission and discover our guiding whakataukī (proverb).
Healthy women, healthy babies, and healthy communities
Established in 2005, Te Tātai Hauora o Hine—National Centre for Women’s Health Research Aotearoa (NCWHRA) has a proud tradition of research into health issues relevant to New Zealand women, particularly Māori women. Our vision is to eliminate preventable harm and death for all women and children and reduce health disparities for Māori.
We have the unique capacity to work both in Kaupapa Māori (by Māori, with Māori, for Māori) and western approaches in the area of women and children’s health.
Our research model puts the whānau at the centre. We address clinical issues as well as systemic issues which impact women and children, such as racism, housing, transport, finances, safety, and education.
We are committed to translating our research results into better systems and processes of care, creating measurable improvements in the health of Māori women and children.
We understand that research alone does not create change. That is why, as one of New Zealand's foremost translational research organisations, our work creates positive systemic long-term transformation.
We translate our research into recommendations for health practitioners, hospitals and health organisations, government departments and Ministers of Parliament, Iwi service providers, and community-based organisations, to improve systems and processes of care for whānau.
E Hine, taiahoahotia tōku ara i te pō
Hineteiwaiwa, illuminate my pathway through the night
Nuki Takao (Ngāti Rarua, Te Ati awa, Ngāi Tuhoe) gifted this whaukataukī (proverb) to the NCWHRA, and our research programme on the health and wellbeing of Māori women and their babies has been called Taiahoahotia.
Hineteiwaiwa is the goddess of childbirth, and is the kaitiaki (guardian) of wāhine (women), me ngā pēpi (and babies). Hineteiwaiwa is also the goddess of the moon. This whakataukī guides our vision of illuminating those areas of Māori maternal and child health that require investigation, understanding, and appropriate intervention to benefit Māori women, their children, and whānau (families).