About us

Our research is led in a Tiriti o Waitangi partnership by Associate Professor Lynne Russell and Associate Professor Mona Jeffreys. They are supported by Tāngata Whenua and Tāngata Tiriti researchers with varying expertise.
A 3-year project funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand to provide an evidence platform for the delivery of health services to manage Long COVID.
Long COVID is emerging as a significant public health problem. The condition poses a high burden to patients and the health system, but optimal diagnosis, support and care are unclear.
We propose a multidisciplinary study, co-led in a Tiriti-based partnership, that integrates the disciplines of immunology, kaupapa Māori evaluation, co-design methodology, epidemiology and health services research with the clinical interface.
By the end of the project, we will have developed:
The work will be supported by our extensive network of Long COVID stakeholders, including people with lived experience of Long COVID, Māori health experts, health professionals, health service researchers and design experts.
We have designed a mixed-methods study with three distinct components:
This project aims to identify the best set of biomarkers for immune dysfunction among people with Long COVID.
This project aims to investigate what an optimal Long COVID service located in primary care encompasses, using a co-design methodology.
This project aims to assess the extent to which a multidisciplinary Long COVID service in Aotearoa New Zealand meets the needs of people with Long COVID.
Our research is led in a Tiriti o Waitangi partnership by Associate Professor Lynne Russell and Associate Professor Mona Jeffreys. They are supported by Tāngata Whenua and Tāngata Tiriti researchers with varying expertise.
A platform for collaboration between researchers, professionals and those with lived experiences of Long COVID to drive the future direction of health delivery.