If you're currently enrolled in a Master's degree, you may be able to build on your research and do a PhD—find out whether you're eligible and how it works.
You may be able to transfer your enrolment from a Master’s by thesis degree to a PhD degree programme. The University's decision on whether you can 'convert' your research project depends on the availability of suitable supervision and on you having a recommendation from your supervisor.
Your supervisor must complete an application form on your behalf. You don’t need to complete the online PhD application, unless you want to be considered for a Wellington Doctoral Scholarship.
How to apply
Your supervisor must recommend an upgrade on your behalf using the School/Faculty PhD Approval Form.
You are not required to complete an application for the PhD, but if you wish to be considered for a Wellington Doctoral Scholarship you need to complete an online application. Any scholarship offer takes into account your previous Master's enrolment.
You can make an application to upgrade to a PhD at any time, but you need to make your application for a Wellington Doctoral Scholarship within one of the three standard application rounds.
In order to approve your application to upgrade from Master's to PhD, the School Research Committee must be satisfied that:
You and your supervisors need to agree in writing on the additional work to be undertaken. This document will form part of the application to be submitted to the School Research Committee.
Once the upgrade has been approved, you are provisionally registered for the PhD from the date of registration for your Master’s degree. You will still have to satisfy the requirements for full registration as a PhD student.