Higher Doctorates
A higher doctorate recognises a substantial body of published work that demonstrates excellence and leadership—find out how to apply.
A Higher Doctorate is awarded for a substantial body of published work which:
- indicates a record of excellence in research or creative achievement,
- shows the candidate to be a distinguished leader in the relevant field, and
- provides an original and prestigious contribution to the relevant field.
Types of Higher Doctorate
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington confers the following Higher Doctorates:
- Doctor of Commerce (DCom)
- Doctor of Literature (DLitt)
- Doctor of Music (DMus)
- Doctor of Laws (LLD)
- Doctor of Science (DSc).
Who can apply
To apply for a Higher Doctorate you must:
- be a graduate of the University, or
- be an academic staff member of the University, or
- have some long-standing connection with the University, and
- have graduated to your highest qualification at least five years ago.
How to apply
You will need to submit a portfolio of work for initial consideration by an ad hoc committee appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Research.
If the committee believes considers the submitted material to be worthy of examination for the degree, it will recommend three examiners, each of whom will be an authority of international standing in the relevant area.
On the basis of the examiners’ reports and the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Research, the Vice-Provost (Research) will determine whether the degree should be awarded.
An application fee of $4,000 applies. If your application does not proceed beyond initial consideration, $3,000 will be refunded.
For more information see the Higher Doctorate Regulations (PDF) and the Guidelines for Applicants and Examiners (PDF).
![Philippa profile picture](https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/images/staffpics/philippa-race.jpg)
Philippa Race
Manager, Faculty of Graduate Research
Faculty of Graduate Research