New lipids for RNA delivery

Learn more about how Team Painter is developing novel lipids to create cost-effective RNA delivery systems.


The problem

Current ionisable lipid nanoparticle technologies for delivering RNA are limited by high costs and licensing challenges, hindering the development of mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics.

Our solution

We will design, synthesize, and test novel ionisable lipids to create new formulations to deliver RNA therapeutics for a range of different applications.

The impact

Our project aims to make RNA delivery technology more cost-effective and versatile, enabling the development of more affordable and accessible RNA-based vaccines and therapeutics, which could have a significant impact on global health.

This project is funded by RNA Platform Fast Start

Research Team

Team Painter

Led by Professor Gavin Painter, this team is focused on developing nanomedicines, RNA-based technologies

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Fast Start Projects

a set of highly collaborative research projects that can immediately build capability for the platform

Latest publications 2023


R. E. McKenzie, J. J. Minnell, M. Ganley, G. F. Painter and S. L. Draper

Current Protocols 2023 Vol. 3 Issue 9 Pages e898

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