Sugars, viruses and teeth whitener: taking chemistry from the ivory tower to the real world
The 2024 Ferrier Public Lecture presented by Professor Robert Field, director of the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology and Professor of Chemistry at the University of Manchester, was an inspiring exhibition of innovative science by a renowned carbohydrate chemist with a flair for science communication and application.
The Honourable Judith Collins KC, Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, presented the opening remarks, where she stated her commitment to supporting Aotearoa New Zealand’s world-leading science and innovation sector to achieve its full potential and continue to play a role in the country’s future. The Government will reform gene technology rules and introduce a dedicated regulator to fully realise the many opportunities that these technologies have to offer in healthcare, environmental protection, and economic growth.
Professor Field engaged the audience in a walk-through of how proteins and cell surfaces have an often-ignored sugary coating. Viruses such as influenza bind to sugars, to infect a cell. These sugars differ slightly between the cells of humans and different animal species and the binding of viruses to these sugars can be used to create differential diagnostic devices. Small mutations, which lead to changes in the sugars a virus binds to, allows the virus to jump host, for example from birds to humans. What started off as a human and avian influenza diagnostic test, ended up being developed by Professor Field’s company, Iceni Glycoscience, for horse influenza. A variation of this technology was ready to launch when the world was struck with the COVID19 pandemic. The SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID19 was also found to bind to a particular sugar unit on the surface of human cells. Therefore, the established sugar binding technology could be used to develop pan-variant diagnostic tests for COVID19. Implementation proved difficult due to the vast upfront production demands required for government procurement.
In a deceivingly unrelated issue, golden algal blooms in waterways popular with anglers in the Norfolk Broads, UK, were resulting in mass fish deaths. The alga Prymnesium parvum releases a toxin that accumulates in the gills of fish and blocks oxygen uptake from the water, killing them. Professor Field’s group utilised the unique and complex structure of the toxin to design a method of detection.
In a foreshadowed plot twist, viral infection of the alga, and subsequent cell lysis, was proposed to be responsible for the excessive release of the toxin into the water. Algae and animals are evolutionarily far removed, yet it was found Prymnesium parvum cells also had a sugar coating, which the virus used to infect the alga.
Despite these brilliant science findings, the anglers were no closer to eliminating the poisoning of the fish. So, the experimental playground moved from the lab bench to the outdoors, with the use of the simple chemical hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), also known as rocket fuel! This particular rocket fuel, present in low levels in most bleach solutions including teeth whitener, can be used to kill the alga and react with the toxin, rendering it no longer toxic. Anglers, worried about how this treatment might impact their vessels, were appeased with a simple experiment proving that, ‘no’, boat hulls would not be bleached by the water treatment process. As for the fate of the hydrogen peroxide, it fortunately turns into oxygen gas and water, so the Norfolk Broads are effectively just being aerated.
Throughout the talk, the interplay between discovery or fundamental science, together with development and application could be seen. Professor Field then emphasised how innovation is required in all parts of the development pathway, including the regulatory and policy side of application. There was also the recurring theme that the initial science doesn’t always lead to the application you expect, and that serendipity is a critical factor. Follow-up questions included the discussion around how the move from the bench to manufacture needs a national resource of expertise and infrastructure in scale-up to ensure that societal and economic benefits are realised.
More than 140 people, including professional and student scientists from Te Kāuru—Ferrier Research Institute and curious members of the public attended the lecture, eager to see modern science discussed in an accessible way. Professor Robin Ferrier’s grandson, Jack Hecker, also attended and was in awe of his grandfather’s legacy. Professor Field is visiting researchers across New Zealand during his stay, and in-line with Professor Ferrier’s ideals, engaging directly with postgraduate students including those at Te Kāuru—Ferrier Research Institute.
Professor Field said “It is a privilege to be invited to deliver this annual lecture, which is presented in honour of the late Professor Robin Ferrier. Robin did much to position New Zealand at the international forefront of carbohydrate chemistry. It has been fascinating to experience first-hand how his legacy is being taken forward through the Ferrier Research Institute and GlycoSyn, in fundamental science but also at the interface with biotechnology and medicine. Equally, the opportunity to engage with academics and young researchers around New Zealand has been inspiring. I look forward to building stronger research links with New Zealand in the future.”
Director of Ferrier Research Institute, Professor Gary Evans, said “It was wonderful to see so many people join us for the lecture, and the clarity with which Professor Field detailed the sometimes long and circuitous pathway from discovery to innovation/application, was fascinating”.