
We are a team of organic chemists and biochemists doing fundamental, applied and commercial research alongside graduate teaching and student supervision.

Understanding the Chemistry of Life

We tackle a broad range of applied chemistry problems related to issues including our health and wellbeing and the sustainability of our environment. Our scientists have deep experience in synthetic carbohydrate and medicinal chemistry, synthetic and chemical biology, plant natural products and polysaccharide analysis.

We are a close-knit team with a strong family feel—several of us have worked together for nearly to 30 years. Visitors, new staff and students will find a warm welcome with us. We are encouraged to be independent, curious and creative; to share our successes and discuss our chemistry problems. We strive for excellence in every aspect of our research, collaboration and communication. You can find out more about the individual members of our team on our staff pages.

A group of eight people sitting behind a table.
The Ferrier leadership team

Professor Gary Evans - Director

Profile photo of Prof. Gary Evans

Institute Director, Gary, enjoys organic synthesis, medicinal and process chemistry. Creating new enzyme inhibitors, like the potent DADMe-Immucillins, are career highlights.  Check out Gary's research profile  https://people.wgtn.ac.nz/gary.evans

A group of eight people sitting behind a table.

Teams page

Ferrier is made up of six science teams. These broadly focus on the areas described below however we have a flexible matrix structure where projects are resouced from across the institute.

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