Doctor of Philosophy
A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the highest degree offered by the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation.
A PhD is an advanced research qualification carried out under academic supervision and is the highest degree offered by the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation.
The PhD thesis is a major piece of original research that demonstrates the candidate’s ability to carry out independent research and constitutes a significant and original contribution to knowledge or understanding in a field of study. As well as intelligence and an aptitude for research, the degree requires considerable dedication and tenacity.
The minimum period of registration before a PhD thesis can be submitted for examination is 36 months full-time (or equivalent).
Creative Practice PhD
The Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation supports traditional and creative PhD research.
A traditional PhD thesis is an integrated body of work that may optionally contain a creative component. The creative component in this context must be appropriately balanced with original scholarly commentary. A PhD thesis must not exceed a total of 100,000 words in length.
A creative PhD thesis may take the form of a performance and/or a corpus of creative work together with a dissertation that addresses, elucidates and contextualises the work, or provides scholarly analysis pertinent to the research question being addressed. The thesis may adopt a ‘hybrid’ approach in which the creative and critical strands are intertwined. The creative component in this context will usually form about 70 percent of the research for the degree. The critical component will normally comprise about 30 percent of the research for the degree, or approximately 30,000 words.
Faculty of Graduate Research
The Faculty of Graduate Research (FGR) is the best place to start if you are interested in doctoral study at Victoria University of Wellington. Its website will link you to the online application process, provide you with details of available funding, application dates, and answers to questions you may have about what is involved in undertaking a PhD.
Your acceptance will depend on a number of factors, including your previous qualifications and experience, the suitability of your topic for PhD studies and our capacity to supervise you and your topic.
Each PhD candidate will have at least two academic supervisors. If you have identified someone you would like to work with you can indicate this on your application form, but please be aware that the final allocation of supervisors is made by the School.
Members of the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation have a wide variety of research interests that may align with your area of interest for PhD study.
Staff research areas and publications are listed at the bottom of each staff member’s website profile. Find School of Design Innovation staff directory here and Wellington School of Architecture staff directory here.
Portfolio requirement
A portfolio of work is suggested as part of the PhD application process, for students wanting to conduct design-based PhD research or a PhD through creative practice at the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation. Many PhD topics do not require a portfolio, particularly those that are not design-based.
A portfolio should showcase work that indicates your skill level, interests and strengths in design or related creative discipline. Up to 10 pieces of work is sufficient. If you are sending work you have completed for an employer, please clearly state what your role in the project was – design, drawing, project management.
If you have any questions regarding whether you are required to include a portfolio of work in your application please contact the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation, with a brief description of your proposed research project.
Contact us
The Faculty of Architecture and Design Student Administration is located at:
Te Aro Campus
139 Vivian Street
Phone: 0800 04 04 04