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Build on your skills in mathematics, physics, computing, and earth sciences to study the structure and processes of the Earth or atmosphere.


In Geophysics you use mathematical techniques to explore our planet’s natural forces—earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, and the deep structure of the land. Based on this knowledge, you’ll research how Aotearoa New Zealand is put together, study the Earth’s magnetism and gravity, and look at volcanic and geothermal activity around the world. Learn about the Earth as a planet and explore its mineral and energy resources.


Our Meteorology courses are delivered in conjunction with staff from MetService. You’ll also work with Dr Kyle Clem and Professor James Renwick on researching global and regional climates, and precipitation forecasting using global and regional weather model data. Study at the only university in Aotearoa New Zealand that offers qualifications in meteorology.

If you want to learn about the Earth and how it works, while working outdoors and honing your skills in maths and physics, Postgraduate Geophysics or Meteorology are good choices for you.

Geophysics and Meteorology are taught by the School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences.

Available qualifications

Globally ranked

This programme is ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide in the QS World University Rankings 2024.

The QS World University Rankings is an annual global publication that gives overall rankings and subject rankings for more than 1,500 universities worldwide.

World-class facilities

To support your study and research, the School has a range of field and laboratory equipment you can use:

  • broadband and multi-channel seismographs
  • gravity meters, resistivity meters, ground-penetrating radar
  • high precision surveying and geodetic equipment (GNSS and EDM)
  • a fully equipped paleomagnetic laboratory with cryogenic magnetometer
  • equipment for geomagnetic and geoelectrical exploration
  • laboratories for processing satellite imagery and reflection and refraction seismics
  • MetService’s teaching laboratories
  • dedicated Unix Network with access to high performance computing clusters.


You’ll be part of a dynamic research culture and will work with, and learn from, world leaders in their fields. When considering your research and project topics, you should discuss your options with an academic staff member.

portrait photo

I found there were opportunities to undertake independent, self-guided research projects, which were fantastic learning opportunities and provided a great introduction to the sorts of skills required to succeed.

Luke Harrington

PhD in Geophysics

Full story


A postgraduate qualification in Geophysics will open doors to many careers in New Zealand and overseas. You might find work in emergency management, energy and mineral resource exploration and development, or in the IT industry. Other roles include weather forecasting, engineering seismology, environmental engineering, or scientific research.

As well as securing jobs at MetService, Meteorology graduates have found work in some of the world’s top meteorological institutions, including the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and others in Europe, Australia, and South America.


Join a school that’s focused on fostering its postgraduate community. You’ll build valuable relationships and networks with peers, University staff, and future colleagues. And you’ll have opportunities to attend events, seminars, workshops, and social functions.

You’ll have the chance to get outdoors and participate in group field campaigns to collect data for your own project or for someone else’s project. As well as being fun, the campaigns provide valuable networking opportunities.

The Postgraduate Students' Association can also give you information on study at the University and provides a voice for you on campus.

Live and study in the creative and scientific capital of New Zealand. MetService is just down the road from the School, and you can take advantage of strong links between the University and national research institutes located near the city, as well as libraries and archives. You’ll have opportunities to build valuable contacts with the right people.


You can look for scholarships based on your level of study, subject area, and background.


Postgraduate students in the School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences can apply to tutor undergraduate courses. There are also opportunities to work as a research assistant and, on occasion, gather data for consulting companies. Talk to your programme director if you're interested.