The people you work with and learn from are an important part of your studies. Learn who the academic staff are and find out what the programme is like.

Programme contact

As an international student, you should contact Wellington University International with any questions about studying at this university. Wellington University International will also process your application. If you have a query about programme or course content, you can contact one of the academic or school staff below

Professor Michael Macaulay's photo

Professor Michael Macaulay, Academic Programme Leader

Academic staff

  • Dr Verna SmithDr Verna Smith—Theories of public policymaking in Westminster majoritarian systems, comparative heath systems analysis, accountability frameworks in public services purchasing
  • Dr Barbara AllenDr Barbara Allen—Contracting, procurement, commissioning and public service markets
  • Prof Jonathan BostonProf Jonathan Boston—Anticipatory governance, intertemporal decision-making, climate change policy, child poverty, the good society
  • Dr Valentina DinicaDr Valentina Dinica—Policy analysis: theory and methods, participatory policy processes, environmental policy and governance, climate policies, renewable energy policies, sustainable tourism, governance and innovation for sustainability
  • Prof Arthur GrimesProf Arthur Grimes—Public economics; Economics of wellbeing; Infrastructure; Housing; Urban economics; Monetary and exchange rate policy
  • AProf Graham HassallAProf Graham Hassall—Public governance and public policy in the Pacific Islands, global studies
  • AProf Karl LofgrenAProf Karl Lofgren—Public policy, governance, democracy
  • AProf Michael MacaulayAProf Michael Macaulay—Integrity, ethics, corruption, ethical leadership
  • Dr Amanda WolfDr Amanda Wolf—Public policy analysis, comparative analysis, evidence, methods and methodology
  • Dr Wonhyuk ChoDr Wonhyuk Cho—Bureaucracy; HRM/OB; organization of policing and law-enforcement; performance measurement; e-government


portrait photo

Miriama Henderson

Master of Public Management student

The knowledge I've gained has powered me up. I’m a whole other person because of it.

High-calibre international scholars

The lecturers were fantastic, they were very engaging, very responsive.

It wouldn’t have occurred to me that I’d be taught by international scholars who have won awards.

As students we have a unique opportunity to have exposure to such high-calibre people. We get to engage with them and build ongoing networks.

Successful return to study

I’ve never thought of myself as academic and it’s been years and years since I’ve been to university. It was scary.

The way they structure the courses and the assessments are great. Things like the study guides, the group assignments and the blogs meant I could read the stuff and then talk about it, apply it.

It’s been hard work but the course has taught me things about how to think, learn, study and write that I never knew as an undergraduate.

Career gains from day one

I’m using my degree every day in my job because it’s given me the theoretical background I need. My organisation is going through transformational change and I’ve been able to apply the theory in practical ways.

It’s already helping my career. I’m now acting General Manager when my boss is away, I lead parts of our leadership days and I just get more opportunities. When I talk, the knowledge I’ve gained means I’m more convincing and I’m more convinced myself. I learnt about myself and that was facilitated by the course.

The knowledge I've gained has empowered me. I’m a whole other person because of it.

portrait photo

Reno Paotonu

Master of Public Management, General Manager/Regional Partnerships, Ministry for Pacific Peoples

I definitely recommend the MPM to public sector managers looking to study a programme that’s relevant.

Supporting professional development

I chose the MPM because I was working at a small government agency in a management role and I wanted a qualification aligned to what I do. I found out about it through a colleague and heard really good feedback.

My organisation was very supportive of my studies.

I feel I’ve learnt a lot and developed through the programme. I already had a Master’s degree but getting a qualification directly relevant to my role has given me more confidence.

Real life relevance

I definitely recommend the MPM to public sector managers looking to study a programme that’s relevant.

One of the things I really enjoyed was the way it was structured so that it related to a project or a piece of work I was doing in my job. I did a monitoring and evaluation paper and I was able to relate it to my own organisation. It wasn’t just theory, it was about how you could apply it to your own work. So it’s relevant to real life situations you’re facing as a public sector manager.

Context and connections

What was useful was understanding the public sector context, how the public sector has evolved and being able to see how you fit into that context.

It was also a good opportunity to network with other public sector leaders, to have conversations about their roles and the issues they face.