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Governing for the Future

Find out more about studying Governing for the Future at Victoria University of Wellington

Postgraduate Governing for the Future

Entry requirements

Requirements for international students who studied in

To be accepted into this programme you will need:

  • A Bachelor of Commerce degree or equivalent with an average grade of at least B+ in the relevant courses (this requirement can be waived—see ‘Important information’ below).

  • To have met the prerequisites for Governing for the Future: A completed undergraduate degree usually related to Business, Commerce, Finance, Law, Science, Technology or Politics. Other cognate disciplines are considered on a case-by-case basis, and students from any disciplinary background are encouraged to inquire.

  • To be accepted by the programme director or head of school as capable of proceeding with the proposed course of study.

Important information

  • Applicants will be assessed on the basis of their academic merit and the nature of their previous degree qualification.The BCom entry requirement may be waived by the Associate Dean (Students) of WSBG if you have appropriate practical, professional, or academic experience.
  • If you want to enrol in this programme but don’t meet some of the entry requirements, you should contact Wellington School of Business and Government to discuss your options.
  • Students must be intending to study in person at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.
  • For more programme details and requirements, see the University Calendar. It's an annual publication and an authoritative source for planning your degree.
  • It is important to us that students work on topics that matter to them and we encourage you to inform your research with your own interests and experience. You can liaise with a Faculty member or the academic programme leader to discuss your research interests before enrolling, if this will help you decide if this is the right programme for you.

Programme requirements

For this programme you'll need to:

  • Complete a total of 180 points, of which:

    • 40 points must be at 500 level

    • 90 points must be research (either a 90-point thesis or a 30-point project and a 60-point dissertation)

  • Satisfy the subject requirements

Subject requirements

In addition to the programme requirements, for this subject you'll need to:

  • Complete six courses

    • Four courses from:

      • Other approved courses at 400- or 500-level
      • Approved programmes will have at most 30 points in any single subject area (FCOM excepted)
  • Complete one of the following:

Important information

  • The best course of study for your background and interest should be discussed with your programme director or the academic programme leader. They can also advice you on what courses to take to achieve your goals.

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