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Explore your area of musical interest in more detail and improve your career prospects with a BMus(Hons). Refine your research, writing and analytical skills while expanding your music skills and knowledge. An Honours year will also prepare you for Master's study and beyond.

Study at New Zealand's most prestigious music school and learn from world-class musicians and academics who are leaders in their fields.

If you have a B average or higher in your BMus and want to continue your music studies, then the BMus(Hons) is a good choice for you.

Available subjects

Diverse options

Choose from a range of specialist subject areas according to your academic background, interests and abilities—Classical Performance, Composition/Sonic Arts, Ethnomusicology, Jazz Performance, Musicology or Music Studies. Each subject has its own entry requirements you'll need to have met before enrolling, and some require an audition or portfolio.

Select from a wide range of courses—you might focus on composing film music, solo jazz performance or accompanying, or choose to study music ethnography or history. Music Studies, Musicology, and Ethnomusicology pathways allow you to take a cross-disciplinary approach to your studies and choose complementary courses from outside Music. All subjects allow you to take some Music courses outside your specialist area.

Independent Study Projects

In exceptional circumstances, you can apply to do an Independent Study Project. This option gives you the opportunity to do focused individual work with a supervisor.

Workload and duration

You'll study intensively for one year over two trimesters and complete 120 points. You can also do the BMus(Hons) part time over a maximum of four years. You can start studying in either the first trimester or second trimester of the year.

If you are studying full time, you can expect a workload of 40–45 hours a week for much of the year. Part-time students will need to do around 20–23 hours of work a week. Make sure you take this into account if you are working.

You can estimate your workload by adding up the number of points you'll be doing. One point is roughly equal to 10–12 hours' work.


There is a large number of scholarships, prizes and awards available to Music students at all levels. Find out about music scholarships offered or promoted by the School.

You can also look on the University database for scholarships based on your level of study, subject area and background.