Trust in institutions and democracy in Aotearoa New Zealand

Where are we and how can trust be safeguarded and strengthened?

Lectures, talks and seminars; Events for alumni

Registration is essential

Rutherford House, Lecture Theatre 2 (RHLT2), Pipitea Campus

Presented by


Sir Ashley will speak to the results of the latest annual Acumen Edelman Trust barometer on trust in New Zealand. The survey provides insights on trust in government, the private sector, civil society, the media, and technologies such as green energy and AI. It also identifies actions that are likely to build trust in innovation.

Mona will talk about the results from her work on the New Zealand Election Study (NZES) and the New Zealand Social Media Study (NZSMS) on political trust and disinformation in times of election campaigns.

The two presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on how to build trust with representatives from other sectors.

The seminar is the first event in a programme of work by Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington and University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau that aims to:

  • support wider discussion and understanding of the importance of trust
  • identify and facilitate the actions needed in Aotearoa New Zealand to strengthen and enhance wider societal trust and trust in institutions.

For all media enquiries, please contact Leah Johanson—
