Inaugural lecture by Professor Catherine Iorns

Professor Catherine Iorns' lecture on environmental laws and Te Waikoropupū Springs highlights her expertise in environmental law and Indigenous rights.

Inaugural lectures

Registration is essential

Rutherford House, lecture theatre 2 (RHLT2), Pipitea campus

Presented by


Unplanned, unconfined and the unseen—Precaution and protection in environmental law

Professor Catherine Iorns is an award-winning researcher and lecturer on environmental law, Indigenous rights, and statutory interpretation. Her inaugural professorial lecture will address features of the development and application of environmental protection law in Aotearoa New Zealand. She will illustrate how a disparate collection of academic research and teaching interests can combine with legal practice, community activism, and an added dose of serendipity, resulting in an exceptional decision to protect an outstanding natural feature, Te Waikoropupū Springs.