The risk of grand corruption in New Zealand
View video excerpts from this public lecture with Josè Ugaz, Global Chair of Transparency International, in 2017.
We put the following questions to the Global Chair of Transparency international, Josè Ugaz:
- What is grand corruption?
- Is corruption a worldwide problem?
- How can we combat money laundering?
- How reliable is the Transparency International corruption perceptions index?
- Should political party finance be more transparent?
View his answers to these questions separately, or see the full interview below, led by well-known New Zealand commentator, Ian Fraser.
Interview with Josè Ugaz

What is grand corruption?

Is corruption a worldwide problem?

How to combat money laundering?

Is TI corruption index reliable?

Transparency in political finance?
The risk of grand corruption in New Zealand
View the full video of well-known New Zealand commentator Ian Fraser interviewing the Global Chair of Transparency International, Josè Ugaz at a Wellington School of Business and Government (formerly Victoria Business School) public lecture, 1 August 2017.