Professional Training and Education

Find out more about in-house training, consultancy, and online courses offered by the Brian Picot Chair in Ethical Leadership.

Short course for professionals

In the full day workshop "Ethical Leadership for the Common Good" you'll learn what it means to be an effective ethical organisational leader and how to make good ethical decisions yourself. This course will be offered twice a year in Wellington and Auckland via Kāpuhipuhi- Wellington Uni Professional. Find out more about the course for emerging leaders in the corporate government or community sector.

Massive Open Online Course

Over 3,500 learners from 144 countries enrolled in New Zealand's first massive open online course (MOOC) about Ethical Leadership in a changing world in 2019. Enjoy the taster video above and then find out more about this free course on the edX course page.

About the course

Individuals, organisations, and society all benefit from ethical leadership. But what makes an ethical leader, and why is their approach so important to organisations? This online course is an introduction to the theories and practices of ethical leadership, with a focus on organisations.

Drawing on case studies from New Zealand—one of the least corrupt countries in the world—this course will enable you to recognise the role of ethics in organisational decision-making, analyse the actions of leaders from an ethical perspective, and learn to become an ethical leader yourself.

The course content is all online in the format of short videos and texts, with additional readings available. The discussion boards and quizzes are not currently live, but the course is available online to work through at your own pace.

All types of learners are encouraged to take part.

Learner feedback

Some comments from learners who took part in the first live run of the course during July and August 2019:

"It is hard to pick out one aspect that I enjoyed the most. I thoroughly enjoyed all of it but if I had to pick out the most enjoyable I would say that it was being able to listen to the views, opinions and experiences of the practitioners. I found all the presenters interesting to listen to and found their viewpoint enlightening. I also loved the students talking about what they were looking for in a work place. All of them really just wanted basic human rights - it is that simple."
"I thoroughly enjoyed this course. The concept of holding the ethical values and morals high will help becoming an ethical leader. Being ethical at home and society will make you an ethical leader at work. This course actually made me aware of some of my unethical behaviours and I have taken actions to correct myself in those areas and started moving slowly towards being an ethical person."
"The interactive nature of program using short video clips along with the rolling text. I've not seen that before in online learning and it worked well. The ability to access the transcripts too was great. I liked the other independent readings on offer also."

Ethical Leadership workshops and seminars

The Brian Picot Chair in Ethical Leadership gives public seminars and lectures on business ethics throughout the year. We can also offer tailor-made workshops for your organisation or team.

Get in touch

Contact us to discuss your requirements for training and consultancy and to find out about our pricing structure.

And let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list for news, seminars, and events.

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