Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consults with and provides advice to the Chair and the Head of the School of Management.
The purpose of the Advisory Board is to enable the Brian Picot Chair in Ethical Leadership to engage in constructive dialogue with influential external stakeholders, in order to solicit useful and strategic advice that can help the holder of the Chair carry out their role.
Members of the Advisory Board

Kirsten Patterson
Institute of Directors

James Bushell

Rob Everett
NZ Growth Capital Partners (NZGCP)
Stuart Johnson
Chief Economist
Financial Markets Authority (FMA)

Mike Ross
Pukenga/Lecturer Te Kawa a Māui, Victoria University of Wellington
Te Kawa a Māui, Victoria University of Wellington

John Sax
SouthPark Corp

Dame Suzanne Snively
Experts Advisory Panel - Open Government Partnership
Independent Experts Advisory Panel - Review of Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Karen Thomas
Former Chief Executive
Taituarā — Local Government Professionals Aotearoa

Mike Webb
GM: Professionalism and Assurance
New Zealand Police
Dean, Wellington School of Business & Government
Wellington School of Business and Government