Engineering and Computer Science projects

Projects for 2024/2025

Here is a quick list of the projects available. Click on the project code to see more information.

  • 206 - Regenerative VR Tourism Research Program
  • 207 - Web of Influence database
  • 208 - Fostering pro-environmental attitudes and intentions through awe-some experiences in Virtual Reality

206 - Regenerative VR Tourism Research Program

This internship is for an Engineering and Computer Science student who would like to work within a kaupapa Māori context, promoting sustainable and environmental technology within an Indigenous setting. The student will be located primarily on the Kelburn Campus with some flexibility.


Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Engineering and Computer Science

207 - Web of Influence database

A student is required to help Dr Simon McCullum and Dr Craig Anslow (together with political scientist Dr Bryce Edwards) build a database containing rich information about politically influential New Zealanders. The student will help with programming while working at the School of Engineering and Computer Science.


Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering

School of Engineering and Computer Science

Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering

School of Engineering and Computer Science

208 - Fostering pro-environmental attitudes and intentions through awe-some experiences in Virtual Reality

This summer project will develop a novel VR software prototype application for the Nova device a novel 360-degree VR motion simulator. The application will focus on integrating NZ scenery videos captured from drones and 360-degree video. The aim is for participants to experience AWEsome experiences of NZ nature and scenery. The prototype application will be developed in Unity, so students with Unity and VR experience or who are willing to learn should apply. This project is part of a wider project that involves multiple disciplines at VUW, including Computer Science, Psychology, Geography, and Management.  The project builds upon current and existing VR projects that utilize the Nova device. Students will be located in the Cotton building and HCI lab. The project's outcome will be a working VR prototype application deployed to the Nova device.

HCI Nova 360 Degree VR projects:


Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering

School of Engineering and Computer Science


School of Psychology