Courses offered
Explore the courses offered at the Wellington Faculty of Engineering.
Course | Title | Level |
AIML131 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 100 |
AIML231 | Techniques in Machine Learning | 200 |
AIML232 | Techniques in Artificial Intelligence | 200 |
AIML320 | Artificial Intelligence | 300 |
AIML331 | AI Computer Vision and Image/Video Processing | 300 |
AIML332 | AI Natural Language Processing | 300 |
AIML333 | Acting, Planning, and Scheduling | 300 |
AIML338 | Directed Individual Study | 300 |
AIML339 | Artificial Intelligence Project | 300 |
AIML420 | Artificial Intelligence | 400 |
AIML421 | Machine Learning Tools and Techniques | 400 |
AIML425 | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | 400 |
AIML426 | Evolutionary Computation and Learning | 400 |
AIML427 | Big Data | 400 |
AIML428 | Text Mining and Natural Language Processing | 400 |
AIML429 | Probabilistic Machine Learning | 400 |
AIML430 | Applications and Implications of Artificial Intelligence | 400 |
AIML431 | Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence | 400 |
AIML440 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
AIML441 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
AIML487 | Research Project | 400 |
AIML501 | Research Essay in Artificial Intelligence | 500 |
AIML589 | Research Project | 500 |
AIML591 | Thesis in Artificial Intelligence | 500 |
AIML690 | Artificial Intelligence for PhD | 600 |
CGRA151 | Introduction to Computer Graphics and Games | 100 |
CGRA251 | Computer Graphics | 200 |
CGRA252 | Game Engine Programming | 200 |
CGRA259 | Game Prototyping – Programming | 200 |
CGRA350 | Real-time 3D Computer Graphics | 300 |
CGRA352 | Image-based Graphics | 300 |
CGRA354 | Computer Graphics Programming | 300 |
CGRA359 | Games and Graphics Project | 300 |
CGRA402 | Project in Computer Graphics Programming | 400 |
CGRA408 | Computer Graphics Rendering | 400 |
CGRA409 | Geometry Processing Algorithms | 400 |
CGRA440 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
CGRA463 | Computer Graphics Practicum | 400 |
CGRA489 | Research Project | 400 |
CGRA591 | Thesis in Computer Graphics | 500 |
CGRA691 | Computer Graphics for PhD | 600 |
COMP102 | Introduction to Computer Program Design | 100 |
COMP103 | Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms | 100 |
COMP112 | Introduction to Computer Science | 100 |
COMP132 | Programming for the Natural and Social Sciences | 100 |
COMP261 | Algorithms and Data Structures | 200 |
COMP304 | Programming Languages | 300 |
COMP307 | Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence | 300 |
COMP309 | Machine Learning Tools and Techniques | 300 |
COMP312 | Simulation and Stochastic Models | 300 |
COMP313 | Computer Game Development | 300 |
COMP361 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 300 |
COMP420 | Artificial Intelligence | 400 |
COMP421 | Machine Learning | 400 |
COMP422 | Data Mining, Neural Networks and Genetic Programming | 400 |
COMP423 | Intelligent Agents | 400 |
COMP424 | Big Data | 400 |
COMP440 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
COMP441 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
COMP471 | Special Topic: Probabilistic Machine Learning | 400 |
COMP489 | Research Project | 400 |
COMP501 | Research Essay in Computer Science | 500 |
COMP540 | Directed Individual Study | 500 |
COMP589 | Project | 500 |
COMP591 | Thesis | 500 |
COMP690 | Computer Science for PhD | 600 |
COMP692 | Computer Science for PhD (Engineering) | 600 |
CYBR171 | Cybersecurity Fundamentals | 100 |
CYBR271 | Code Security | 200 |
CYBR371 | System and Network Security | 300 |
CYBR372 | Applied Cryptography | 300 |
CYBR373 | Governance, Risk and Compliance | 300 |
CYBR471 | Cybersecurity Attack and Defence Techniques | 400 |
CYBR472 | Cybercrime Investigations | 400 |
CYBR473 | Malware Analysis | 400 |
DATA201 | Techniques of Data Science | 200 |
DATA202 | Data Management and Programming | 200 |
DATA301 | Data Science in Practice | 300 |
DATA302 | Machine Learning Techniques for Data Science | 300 |
DATA303 | Statistics for Data Science | 300 |
DATA304 | Simulation and Stochastic Models | 300 |
DATA305 | Machine Learning Techniques for Data Science | 300 |
DATA351 | Data Science Internship | 300 |
DATA471 | Practical Data Science | 400 |
DATA472 | Data Management and Programming | 400 |
DATA473 | Statistical Modelling for Data Science | 400 |
DATA474 | Simulation & Stochastic Models | 400 |
DATA475 | Machine Learning Methods | 400 |
DATA480 | Research Preparation for Data Science | 400 |
DATA481 | Special Topic: | 400 |
DATA482 | Special Topic: | 400 |
DATA483 | Special Topic: | 400 |
DATA487 | Research Project | 400 |
DATA489 | Research Project | 400 |
DATA491 | Mathematics for Data Science | 400 |
DATA492 | Data Science Algorithms | 400 |
DATA501 | Advanced Techniques in Data Science | 500 |
DATA581 | Data Science Practicum | 500 |
DATA588 | Research Project | 500 |
DATA591 | Thesis in Data Science | 500 |
DATA690 | Data Science for PhD | 600 |
ECEN202 | Digital Electronics | 200 |
ECEN203 | Analogue Circuits and Systems | 200 |
ECEN204 | Electronic Design | 200 |
ECEN220 | Signals and Systems | 200 |
ECEN301 | Embedded Systems | 300 |
ECEN302 | Integrated Digital Electronics | 300 |
ECEN303 | Analogue Electronics | 300 |
ECEN310 | Communication Engineering | 300 |
ECEN315 | Control Systems Engineering | 300 |
ECEN321 | Engineering Statistics | 300 |
ECEN405 | Power Electronics | 400 |
ECEN410 | Advanced Communications Engineering | 400 |
ECEN415 | Advanced Control Systems Engineering | 400 |
ECEN422 | Convex Optimisation | 400 |
ECEN425 | Advanced Mechatronic Engineering 1: Hardware and Control | 400 |
ECEN426 | Special Topic: Advanced Mechatronic Systems | 400 |
ECEN430 | Advanced Mechatronic Engineering 2: Intelligence and Design | 400 |
EEEN201 | Mechatronic Design and Prototyping | 200 |
EEEN202 | Digital Electronics and Microprocessors | 200 |
EEEN203 | Circuit Analysis | 200 |
EEEN204 | Electronic Devices | 200 |
EEEN220 | Signals, Systems and Statistics 1 | 200 |
EEEN301 | Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems | 300 |
EEEN310 | Communication Engineering | 300 |
EEEN313 | Power Electronics and Electrical Machines | 300 |
EEEN315 | Control and Instrumentation | 300 |
EEEN320 | Signals, Systems and Statistics 2 | 300 |
EEEN325 | Robotic Engineering | 300 |
EEEN401 | Applied Electromagnetics and Compliance | 400 |
EEEN402 | Programmable Digital Logic | 400 |
EEEN410 | Advanced Communications Engineering | 400 |
EEEN411 | Coding and Cryptography for Communications | 400 |
EEEN415 | Advanced Control Systems Engineering | 400 |
EEEN422 | Convex Optimisation | 400 |
EEEN425 | Advanced Robotic Engineering | 400 |
EEEN427 | Special Topic: Advanced Mechatronic Design | 400 |
EEEN431 | Musical Robotics | 400 |
ELCO489 | Research Project | 400 |
ELCO580 | Research Preparation | 500 |
ELCO591 | Thesis | 500 |
ELCO690 | Thesis | 600 |
ENGR101 | Engineering Technology | 100 |
ENGR110 | Engineering Design | 100 |
ENGR111 | Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems | 100 |
ENGR121 | Engineering Mathematics Foundations | 100 |
ENGR122 | Engineering Mathematics with Calculus | 100 |
ENGR123 | Engineering Mathematics with Logic and Statistics | 100 |
ENGR141 | Engineering Science | 100 |
ENGR142 | Engineering Physics for Electronics and Computer Systems | 100 |
ENGR201 | Engineering in Context | 200 |
ENGR222 | Computational Algebra and Calculus | 200 |
ENGR291 | Work Experience Preparation | 200 |
ENGR301 | Engineering Project Management 1 | 300 |
ENGR302 | Engineering Project Management 2 | 300 |
ENGR340 | Directed Individual Study | 300 |
ENGR391 | Practical Work Experience | 300 |
ENGR401 | Professional Practice | 400 |
ENGR440 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
ENGR441 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
ENGR489 | Engineering Project | 400 |
ENGR491 | Professional Work Experience | 400 |
ENGR501 | Engineering Research and Communication | 500 |
ENGR502 | Engineering Professional Practice | 500 |
ENGR510 | Engineering Project 1 | 500 |
ENGR511 | Engineering Project 2 | 500 |
ENGR581 | Directed Individual Study | 500 |
ENGR582 | Directed Individual Study | 500 |
ENGR588 | Engineering Research and Development Project | 500 |
ENGR589 | Industry Project | 500 |
ENGR591 | Thesis | 500 |
ENGR592 | Thesis | 500 |
ENGR690 | Engineering for PhD | 600 |
ENGR695 | Engineering for PhD (Robinson) | 600 |
MATH132 | Introduction to Mathematical Thinking | 100 |
MATH141 | Calculus 1A | 100 |
MATH142 | Calculus 1B | 100 |
MATH151 | Algebra | 100 |
MATH161 | Discrete Mathematics and Logic | 100 |
MATH177 | Probability and Decision Modelling | 100 |
MATH212 | Introduction to Real Analysis | 200 |
MATH243 | Multivariable Calculus | 200 |
MATH244 | Ordinary Differential Equations | 200 |
MATH245 | Computational Mathematics | 200 |
MATH251 | Linear Algebra | 200 |
MATH261 | Groups and Graphs | 200 |
MATH277 | Mathematical Statistics | 200 |
MATH301 | Partial Differential Equations | 300 |
MATH304 | Complex Analysis | 300 |
MATH309 | Mathematical Logic | 300 |
MATH311 | Algebra | 300 |
MATH317 | Metric Spaces | 300 |
MATH318 | Hilbert Spaces | 300 |
MATH321 | Introduction to Applied Mathematics | 300 |
MATH322 | Applied Mathematics II | 300 |
MATH323 | Mathematics for Earth Sciences | 300 |
MATH324 | Coding and Cryptography | 300 |
MATH335 | Computability and Complexity | 300 |
MATH353 | Optimisation | 300 |
MATH361 | Graph Theory | 300 |
MATH377 | Probability and Random Processes | 300 |
MATH381 | Special Topic: Complex Analysis | 300 |
MATH432 | Discrete Mathematics | 400 |
MATH433 | Model Theory | 400 |
MATH434 | Set Theory | 400 |
MATH435 | Computability and Complexity | 400 |
MATH436 | Galois Theory and Number Theory | 400 |
MATH437 | Polynomials, Ideals and Varieties | 400 |
MATH439 | Category Theory | 400 |
MATH440 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
MATH441 | Measure Theory | 400 |
MATH442 | Functional Analysis | 400 |
MATH443 | Operator Algebra | 400 |
MATH452 | Topology | 400 |
MATH453 | Lie Groups and Lie Algebras | 400 |
MATH460 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
MATH461 | Differential Equations | 400 |
MATH462 | Dynamical Systems and Control | 400 |
MATH464 | Differential Geometry | 400 |
MATH465 | General Relativity and Cosmology | 400 |
MATH466 | Topics in Applied Mathematics | 400 |
MATH467 | Topics in Applied Mathematics | 400 |
MATH469 | Sobolev Spaces and Applications | 400 |
MATH477 | Probability | 400 |
MATH482 | Special Topic: Infinite Combinatorics | 400 |
MATH483 | Special Topic: Operator Algebra | 400 |
MATH487 | Research Project 1 | 400 |
MATH488 | Research Project 2 | 400 |
MATH489 | Research Project | 400 |
MATH591 | Thesis | 500 |
MATH690 | Mathematics for PhD | 600 |
MATH691 | Mathematics for PhD (Science) | 600 |
MATH693 | Mathematics for PhD (Computer/Data Science) | 600 |
NWEN241 | Systems Programming | 200 |
NWEN243 | Clouds and Networking | 200 |
NWEN301 | Operating Systems Design | 300 |
NWEN302 | Computer Network Design | 300 |
NWEN303 | Concurrent Programming | 300 |
NWEN304 | Advanced Network Applications | 300 |
NWEN403 | Advanced Network Engineering | 400 |
NWEN404 | Mobile Computing | 400 |
NWEN438 | Special Topic: System and Network Security | 400 |
NWEN439 | Special Topic: Protocols and Architecture for the Internet of Things | 400 |
NWEN690 | Network Engineering for PhD | 600 |
RESE111 | Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems | 100 |
RESE211 | Renewable Energy Generation Systems | 200 |
RESE212 | Renewable Energy Conversion and Storage | 200 |
RESE311 | Energy Economic Analyses | 300 |
RESE312 | Sustainability Modelling Techniques | 300 |
RESE321 | Renewable Energy Generation Engineering | 300 |
RESE322 | Renewable Energy Storage Engineering | 300 |
RESE323 | Renewable Energy Policy | 300 |
RESE411 | Power Systems Analysis | 400 |
RESE412 | Advanced Development of RE Systems | 400 |
RESE413 | Power Electronics and Electrical Machines | 400 |
RESE421 | Energy Economic Analyses | 400 |
RESE422 | Sustainability Modelling Techniques | 400 |
RESE423 | Case studies of RE Systems | 400 |
RESE431 | RE Systems Generation | 400 |
RESE432 | RE Storage and Conversion | 400 |
RESE451 | Research methods for RE systems (theory) | 400 |
RESE452 | Research methods for RE systems (project) | 400 |
RESE487 | Research Project | 400 |
RESE589 | Research Project | 500 |
RESE591 | Thesis in Renewable Energy | 500 |
SPFI591 | Thesis | 500 |
SPFI592 | Thesis | 500 |
STAT193 | Statistics in Practice | 100 |
STAT292 | Applied Statistics | 200 |
STAT293 | Applied Statistical Modelling | 200 |
STAT332 | Statistical Inference | 300 |
STAT335 | Statistical Models for Actuarial Science | 300 |
STAT391 | Mathematical Methods for Applied Statistics | 300 |
STAT392 | Sample Surveys | 300 |
STAT393 | Linear Models | 300 |
STAT394 | Multivariate Statistics | 300 |
STAT431 | Biostatistics | 400 |
STAT432 | Computational Statistics | 400 |
STAT433 | Stochastic Processes | 400 |
STAT434 | Statistical Inference | 400 |
STAT435 | Time Series | 400 |
STAT438 | Generalised Linear Models | 400 |
STAT439 | Sample Surveys | 400 |
STAT440 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
STAT441 | Directed Individual Study | 400 |
STAT451 | Official Statistics | 400 |
STAT452 | Bayesian Inference | 400 |
STAT457 | Stochastic Models in Warranty and Maintenance | 400 |
STAT480 | Research Preparation | 400 |
STAT482 | Special Topic: System Modelling and Analysis in Science and Engineering | 400 |
STAT483 | Special Topic: Data Management, Programming and Applications | 400 |
STAT487 | Research Project 1 | 400 |
STAT488 | Research Project 2 | 400 |
STAT489 | Research Project | 400 |
STAT501 | Statistical Consulting | 500 |
STAT581 | Statistical Practicum | 500 |
STAT588 | Applied Statistics Project | 500 |
STAT591 | Thesis in Statistics | 500 |
STAT592 | Thesis in Statistics | 500 |
STAT690 | Statistics for PhD | 600 |
STAT693 | Statistics for PhD (Computer/Data Science) | 600 |
SWEN221 | Software Development | 200 |
SWEN225 | Software Design | 200 |
SWEN301 | Scalable Software Development | 300 |
SWEN303 | User Experience Engineering | 300 |
SWEN304 | Database System Engineering | 300 |
SWEN324 | Software Correctness | 300 |
SWEN325 | Software Development for Mobile Platforms | 300 |
SWEN326 | Safety-Critical Systems | 300 |
SWEN421 | Formal Software Engineering | 400 |
SWEN422 | Human Computer Interaction | 400 |
SWEN423 | Design: Patterns, Frameworks and Languages | 400 |
SWEN424 | Model-Driven Development | 400 |
SWEN426 | Advanced Software Implementation and Development | 400 |
SWEN428 | Protocols and Architecture for the Internet of Things | 400 |
SWEN430 | Compiler Engineering | 400 |
SWEN431 | Advanced Programming Languages | 400 |
SWEN432 | Advanced Database Design and Implementation | 400 |
SWEN433 | Web Information Systems Engineering | 400 |
SWEN435 | Database System Engineering | 400 |
SWEN438 | Special Topic: Automated Program Analysis | 400 |
SWEN439 | Special Topic: Database System Engineering | 400 |
SWEN501 | Professional Programming Skills | 500 |
SWEN502 | Software Development Studio 1 | 500 |
SWEN504 | Software Development Studio 2 | 500 |
SWEN589 | Industry Research and Development Project | 500 |
SWEN690 | Software Engineering for PhD | 600 |