Stephen Leitupo

Read Stephen's story of how he gained confidence in his ability to succeed in Computer Science with the support of his on-campus whānau.

Āwhina mentor Stephen Leitupo sitting outside a building.

Āwhina mentor Stephen Leitupo was born in Wellington but raised in Sāmoa. He returned to Wellington to start his degree at Victoria University of Wellington, choosing a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Computer Science and Information Systems.

Initially, he found it difficult being the only Pasifika student in the class, and was having trouble dealing with the steep learning curve.

“Te Rōpū Āwhina has definitely helped me in terms of understanding any troubles I’ve had with my course. For the past four years Āwhina has given me confidence not only in my studies, but in me."

"Āwhina provides an excellent, supportive environment for Māori and Pasifika students, and I encourage people to become a part of this positive and successful whānau.”

Stephen completed his degree in 2012, and has worked as an analyst, engineer, and team lead in organisations from the Department of Conservation to Spark New Zealand. He's now working in ICT security for the Department of Transport and Main Roads in Brisbane, Australia.