Mahi tahi me ngā kura

Working with schools

We engage with schools in many ways including providing assistance with learning programmes and visiting schools to share information about study here.

Outreach programmes

Our outreach programmes support existing curriculum in schools and encourage young people to pursue tertiary study.


The Wellington School of Business and Government provides a range of resources for commerce teachers to help transition students into university and further their own professional development.

You can also organise a field trip to the Business School that takes in Wellington’s sites of business and government.

Chinese language and culture

The University's Confucius Institute works to promote Chinese language and culture in New Zealand. The Institute actively assists schools in several ways including:

Engineering and computer science

Our Wellington Faculty of Engineering runs an active school outreach programme in engineering and computer science that provides teachers and students with resources and information.

We also provide professional development to teachers in digital technology and technical support in using robotics and physical computing in their classroom practice.


The University’s Māori and Pasifika support services offer an outreach programme for schools and community groups. Āwhina| Māori student support runs a range of fun activities during the year that schools can tap into such as 'Tuhono i te Ao' which combines science with Māori and Pacific culture.


The New Zealand School of Music (NZSM) has many school outreach activities that include an Indonesian gamelan workshop for school groups, open rehearsals, and free tickets for school students to NZSM events.

Email to find out more about these events.


The University’s science outreach programme supports science education in schools throughout the country.

Our staff and students visit classrooms to share their research and enhance learning. We also provide free online curriculum-linked resources and data sets to support science education at all levels.

The Wellington Faculty of Science holds an annual open day for high school students, and visits schools up and down the country to talk to senior students about preparing for study at Victoria University of Wellington.

Two people in white lab coats speak to a group of seated high-school students
Victoria University of Wellington engagement coordinator Thom Adams and Dr Putri Fraser deliver a chemistry module for students at South Wellington Intermediate School.

Geography, Environment and Earth Science

School of Geography, Environment and Earth Science staff members can visit your school to talk about a range of topics, which are detailed on the School's website. You can also find blog posts and videos of several scientific cruises that have examined New Zealand’s sea, seafloor, and below.


Staff and students at the Antarctic Research Centre give talks to schools. Find a range of other resources, including videos and images, on their website.

Chemistry and Physics

The School of Chemical and Physical Sciences offers outreach educational programmes in Chemistry and Physics. These provide students with opportunities to visit the University and experience the excitement of experimental Chemistry and Physics at university level.

As well as the school outreach activities, we also run Teachers Days at the University. These events give teachers an opportunity to network and learn from each other, think about some of the latest developments in their chosen discipline, and discuss topical educational matters.

More information and resources are available on the School's website.

Two chemists in a lab pour blue liquid into a glass funnel
Dr Courtney Davis of the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences demonstrates an experiment at the SCPS Teachers Day.

We also have some Physics resources for speakers of te reo Māori available.

Other outreach activities

Individual departments sometimes run other one-off outreach events or activities. To find out whether the University offers any outreach activities in the subject you are interested in, contact the individual faculty or school.