Public and community

Our university is not just for students and staff—it’s for everyone. Find out how we work with the community and discover our public events and facilities.

Community partnerships

We work in partnership with many local organisations on projects that aim to improve the environment and the social and cultural life of the city and beyond.

Find out more
A pair of tuataras, greenish brown with beak-like jaws, each held softly by a human hand.
An actress on stage reaches up with one arm, a desperate look on her face, and a curly brown tress of hair limply hung over each shoulder.

Arts and culture

Share in our vibrant culture of literary and fine arts. Members of the public are welcome at our many shows, performances, and exhibitions.

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Lifelong learning

Share in the knowledge—take a short course for fun or to develop your professional skills, attend a public lecture, complete one of our free online courses through edX, or make use of our Language Learning Centre to help you learn a language.

Learning opportunities
Three people sit at a table and have a friendly discussion.
Chemsitry students looking at liquid in a flask. Image copyright Victoria University of Wellington.

Engaging with schools

We engage with schools in several ways including providing assistance with learning programmes and visiting schools to share information about study here.

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