Think tanks

The University convenes four think tanks that bring a variety of experts together to research and discuss issues facing our society and to find solutions.

Our think tanks work in the areas of public policy, strategy and security, climate change, and employment relations. If your organisation is looking for policy advice, or wants to explore policy ideas in a neutral environment, our think tanks may be able to help you.

The Institute for Governance and Policy Studies

Banner image – A timelapse of people crossing the road at a busy intersection.

The Institute for Governance and Policy Studies (IGPS) is a public policy think tank that works to lift environmental, social, and economic outcomes for New Zealand through research and engagement with citizens and policymakers.

Based in the School of Government, the Institute has four staff and more than 20 senior associates drawn from a broad range of public policy backgrounds.

View the IGPS's Policy Quarterly—for research on a wide range of issues from child poverty, to digital change, to earthquake recovery.

In addition to its research, the Institute regularly publishes media commentaries on current public policy issues, and organises public seminars and other events.

Centre for Strategic Studies

A large military helicopter hovers in front of mountains and clouds.
The University’s highly regarded Centre for Strategic Studies specialises in research on strategic and security issues.

Recognised as one of the leading research centres in Australasia, the Centre seeks to promote an informed public debate on a range of foreign policy and strategic issues facing New Zealand and the region.

The Centre runs conferences and seminars on current policy challenges and local and international security issues, and its staff are frequently called upon for comment in the media.

Centre for Labour, Employment and Work

An undulating tessellation of glass triangles.
The Centre for Labour, Employment and Work (CLEW) has been a trusted information source for employment relations practitioners, unions, and policymakers since 1970.

The Centre has strong links with central government and provides a forum for research and discussion on employment and workplace issues. It also offers public education programmes such as seminars and workshops for practitioners.

New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute

The research work of the New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute (CCRI) aims to inform the debate around climate change and lead to sound policymaking. The Institute collaborates with other organisations in New Zealand and overseas, and is known as a leader in policy advice relating to climate change in the Asia–Pacific region in particular.

CCRI is recognised among the world’s top 50 environment policy think tanks by the influential Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2018, published by the University of Pennsylvania.