Tautokona te Pūtea Āwhina i ngā Tauira

Support the Student Hardship Fund

Help students suffering serious financial hardship by donating to the Student Hardship Fund.

A cost of living crisis, a worldwide pandemic and, in recent times, one severe weather event after another; these are just some of the challenges facing young people right now.

"The cost of living crisis is hitting students hard, making university education financially inaccessible like never before. Students are struggling to make ends meet, often forced to choose between paying for rent, food, bills and sacrificing their studies. Donations to these funds are deeply impactful, as they can mean the difference between a student being able to continue their studies or dropping out due to financial hardship."
Jessica Ye, VUWSA President, 2023

Never has there been a more important time to support students into study. By making a gift to the Student Hardship Fund, you will ensure more support reaches students—providing urgently needed assistance to those facing unforeseen challenges to beginning their studies.