Work-integrated learning

Find out about work-integrated learning and how organisations can offer students real-life learning opportunities connected to their industry or workplace.

Work-integrated learning (WIL) describes educational activities that combine academic learning and practical work-based experiences. The most common forms of WIL are placements, internships, and consultancy projects where students work for an external organisation as part of a university project.

Work-integrated learning involves three stakeholders—the student, the education provider, and the organisation.

Work-integrated learning at our University

Facilitating WIL experiences for our students is an important part of our educational strategy at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. All of our faculties offer courses that incorporate work-integrated learning opportunities.

Through WIL, the University develops strong relationships with innovative organisations and communities in Wellington and beyond. Graduates who have WIL experiences emerge confident, motivated, and equipped to add value in their new professional roles.

Benefits all round

Work-integrated learning can benefit all stakeholders—the organisations, the students, and the University.


Organisations that take on students for work-integrated learning will gain fresh ideas and a connection to the future workforce in their industry.

Students work as interns, consultants, or researchers on a range of projects, such as social media plans, policy reviews, qualitative and quantitative research, and reporting.

Learn how to offer work placements, internships, or projects as part of student courses, along with guidelines for good practice.


Students have the chance to get real-world experience and apply their academic learning in a practical context. They also build their networks of contacts and get a taste of working in their chosen professional area.

To complement their work-integrated learning, students can access a range of online resources, including a dedicated toolkit on Nuku, the University's learning management platform.

Students can also attend workshops on workplace skills and career development to help them make the most of their experience.

Find out more about work-integrated learning courses, internships, and other types of work-experience on the Internships page.

See samples of courses at the University that have a work-integrated learning component.

The University

Academic staff incorporating WIL in their courses can see their academic teaching come to life through applied learning and skills development. This helps to create graduates who are motivated and ready to enter the workforce.

WIL experiences are offered in many courses at the University, whether through placements, internships, projects, or guest presentations. Staff are encouraged to include these activities where possible in their teaching and learning practice.

University staff share ideas and best practice in the peer-run Work-Integrated and Career Learning Hub. Dedicated support is provided by the Senior Advisor, Work-Integrated Learning and Career Development.

Information for staff on administering WIL courses and activities is available on the Work-integrated Learning: good practice guide. More information for staff can be found on the Work-integrated learning page of the University’s staff intranet.

Download the WIL General Terms

The ‘WIL General Terms’ document forms part of a contract between the University, a student, and an external organisation. Refer to this document if your organisation is considering taking part in a work-integrated learning activity with our University.

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0. We further licence tertiary education providers to use this work without attribution when documenting student work-integrated learning arrangements (the other terms of the CC BY 4.0 licence will still apply).


If you have any questions about work-integrated learning at our University, email