Contact us
Contact and location details for the Wellington Faculty of Education and associated schools and centres.
- Wellington Faculty of Education
- School of Education | Te Puna Akopai
- Education Professional Practice and Partnerships Office
- Teaching career advice
- NZAROE enquires
Wellington Faculty of Education
Including the Office of the Dean of Education
Phone: 04 463 9500
Fax: 04 463 9649
Street Address
Level 8, Murphy Building,
Kelburn Parade,
Wellington, 6012
Postal Address
PO 600, Kelburn
Wellington, 6140
New Zealand
School of Education | Te Puna Akopai
Location: 15 A Waiteata Road, Kelburn
Phone: 04 463 9694
Education Professional Practice and Partnerships Office
Location: Murphy 812, Kelburn Campus,
Staff available between 8 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday

Purvi Chhaya
Office Manager
Wellington Faculty of Education

Zachary McLeod
Teaching Experience Coordinator
Wellington Faculty of Education

Nic Taylor
Teaching Experience Coordinator
Wellington Faculty of Education
Student and Academic Services office
Location: Level 4, Murphy Building, Kelburn Parade, Kelburn
Staff available between: 9.30 am–3.30 pm, Monday to Friday (from 10 am on Wednesdays).
Phone: 04 463 9500
Thinking about a teaching career?
Join our community of undergraduate students intending to be teachers. There will be one event each trimester with great activities. Advice can also be given for planning ahead in your study. Contact Dr Sandi McCutcheon to find out about studying teaching at Victoria University of Wellington and being part of Te Whānau o Ako Pai, our teacher education community.
NZAROE enquiries
The New Zealand Annual Review of Education Te Arotake a Tau o Te Ao o te Matauranga i Aotearoa (NZAROE) (ISSN 1178-3311) is freely available in its online version. No password or subscription is required. The hard copy will no longer be produced (ISSN 1171-3283).
Enquiries should be addressed to: