Year two - structure and key dates

Programme structure

First half year

TCHG 220: Ako 2: Te Tirohanga Whānui - Approaches to EC curriculum, assessment and planning (with embedded professional practice) (A)

TCHG 222: Tātaimarau 3: Ngā torohanga - Modalities for understanding lifeworlds (T)

TCHG 221: Ako me Te Reo Māori 3: Kia Tika! - Being a kaiako with infants, toddlers and their whānau (A, TRMHW)

Cross Programme Priorities: Mātauranga-a-iwi and digital learning environments

Second Half Year

TCHG 224: Ako 4: Kia Mataara - Intentional pedagogies in local contexts (with embedded professional practice) (A)

TCHG 223: Te Ao Hurihuri me Te Reo Māori 4: Kia Māori - Inclusive teaching in diverse communities (TOA, TRMHW)

TCHG 225: Tātaimarau 4: Ngā Toi - Exploring modes of creativity and expression (T)

Cross Programme Priorities: Inclusive education, digital learning environments, educating pacific peoples

Key Dates

DatesFirst half-year

February 26

Trimester 1 begins

Week of April 29

TCHG220 Whānau Ako Group hui 1. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

Week of May 6

YEAR TWO TCHG220 Whānau Ako Group hui 2. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

May 13 – June 07

No classes for Year Two Student Teachers. Complete Home Centre hours and independent study (Centre-Based)

May 13 – June 14

TCHG 220: Professional Practice: Five Weeks full-time in centres (Campus Based)

Week of May 27

TCHG220 Whānau Ako Group hui 3. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

Week of June 3

TCHG220 Whānau Ako Group hui 4. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

July 8

Trimester 2 begins

Week of July 15

Trimester 2 Zoom hui with Centre-based Associate Teachers, 7 – 8.30 pm for years 1, 2 & 3 practicum

Week of July 15

TCHG220 Whānau Ako Group hui 5: Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

Week of 9 September

TCHG224 Whānau Ako Group hui 1. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

Week of 16 September

TCHG224 Whānau Ako Group hui 2. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

16 September

TCHG 224 Whānau Ako Zoom meeting with Associate Teachers for block placement, 7 – 8.30pm

Tuesday 24 September

TCHG224 Briefing for Four-Week Professional Practice placement, 10am – 11.50am (as part of TCHG 224 class)

Week of 14 October

TCHG224 Whānau Ako Group hui 3 Professional Practice focused meetings. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

October 7 – November 1

TCHG224: Professional Practice block placement: Four weeks full-time in Centre/Kindergartens (Centre-Based)

October 7 – November 15

TCHG224: Professional Practice block placement: Six weeks full-time in Centre/Kindergartens (Campus-Based)

Week of 4 November

TCHG224 a Whānau Ako Group hui 4 Professional Practice focused meetings. Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

Week of 18 November

TCHG224 Whānau Ako Group hui 5 meetings: Date and time to be confirmed by Whānau Ako kaiārahi

Friday 22 November

TCHG 224 Professional Practice Block placement assignment due

Whānau Ako

In year two, Whānau Ako groups and professional learning communities will form part of the Ako programme strand.

The year two Whānau Ako programme builds on the FYE programme in year one and continues into the year three programme. In year two, the Whānau Ako rōpū will be closely connected with the two professional practice placements embedded in TCHG 220 and TCHG 224.

Student Teachers will participate in a Whānau Ako rōpū comprising around 12 students. Each rōpū will meet twice before each professional practice placement to:

  • Introduce student teachers to the Whānau Ako programme, and undertake some group building activities to support the development of relational trust
  • Introduce the processes set up to map their progress with te reo me ngā tikanga and towards meeting the key teaching practices (KTPs), and to set their own individual goals for their professional practice placement.

During their TCHG220 placement, student teachers will participate in two practicum-focused Whānau Ako meetings (one in week 2 and one in week 4) to facilitate discussion about and support for, their progress with their goals. Following the completion of the TCHG220 professional practice placement, the Whānau Ako rōpū will meet again in mid-July to review and reflect on their TCHG220 professional practice goals and consider where to next for their te reo me ngā tikanga and KTPs learning.

In order to begin collaboration with associate teachers, two one-hour Zoom meetings will be scheduled and associate tTeachers invited to participate. These meetings will focus on the ongoing development of the wider Whānau Ako professional learning community and provide opportunities for discussion about Associate Teachers’ perspectives of the new programme, including the new assessments and the updated practicum indicators.

During their TCHG224 placement, student teachers will participate in two professional practice focused Whānau Ako meetings (one in week 2 and one in week 5) to facilitate discussion about, and support for, their progress with their goals. Following the completion of the TCHG224 professional practice placement, the Whānau Ako rōpū will meet again in the week of 28 November to review and reflect on their TCHG224 professional practice goals and consider where to next for their te reo me ngā tikanga and KTPs learning.

A Zoom meeting with associate teachers will be held prior to the professional practice to brief the new assignments in TCHG 224. Associate teachers who are hosting TCHG224 student teachers will be sent an agenda and Zoom link for this meeting.