Year three - structure and key dates

Programme structure

First half year

TCHG 308—Te Reo Māori 5: Kia ora (TRMHW)

TCHG 309—Ako 5: Te Aro - Professional and inquiry-based ECCE practice (A)

TCHG 382—Tātaimarau 5: Tuituiā - Integrating the arts and sciences (T)

Cross programme priorities: Mātauranga-a-iwi and inclusive education

Second half year

EDUC 315—Te Ao Hurihuri 6: Kia hurihia - Advocacy with children and communities  (TOA)

TCHG 384—Tātaimarau 6: Kia Kōkiri - Empowering creativity (with embedded professional practice) (T)

TCHG 383—Ako me Te Reo Māori 6: Ki te Wheiao - Bringing it all together (A, TRMHW)

Cross programme priorities: Education for Pacific peoples, digital learning environments, Mātauranga-a-iwi

Key dates

Weeks of 15 July - 27 September - 10 Days in centres - one day in each week  (any day of the week as negotiated)

Wednesday 25 September 2024 -  Student-teacher briefing and professional practice information, 10.00 – 11.50 am

Monday 14 October to Friday 22 November 2024 inclusive  - Professional practice placement 6 Weeks

03 and 04 December - Wānanga Week - including Te Ara Hāpai inquiry presentations and assessment, te reo assessments, and mihi whakamutunga

Whānau Ako

In year three, Whānau Ako groups and professional learning communities will form part of the Ako programme strand.

The year three Whānau Ako programme builds on year two and again the Whānau Ako rōpū will be closely connected with the professional practice placement embedded in TCHG 384.

Student teachers will participate in a Whānau Ako rōpū comprising around 12 students. Each rōpū will meet twice before each professional practice placement to:

  • Introduce Student Teachers to the Whānau Ako programme, and undertake some group building activities to support the development of relational trust.
  • Introduce the processes set up to map their progress with te reo me ngā tikanga and towards meeting the key teaching practices (KTPs), and to set their own individual goals for their professional practice placement.