Year one - structure and key dates

Young male ECE teacher playing in sandpit with children

Programme structure

There are seven courses in the first year of the programme (acronyms in brackets indicate the programme strand):

First half year

Te Reo Māori 1: Hei Whaiora (TRMHW)—TCHG 102

Ako 1:Ngā Anga - Care and education frameworks and pedagogies (A)—TCHG 103

Te Ao Hurihuri 1: Te Tiriti - History and transformative education (TOA)—EDUC 102

Tātaimarau 1: Te Whāriki (T)—TCHG 104

Cross-Programme Priorities: Mātauranga-a-iwi and Inclusive Education

Second Half Year

Te Ao Hurihuri 3: Ngā Ariā - Theories of growth and learning in context (TOA)—EDUC 104

Tātaimarau me Te Reo Māori 2: Kia Rere - The “100” Languages of Children (TRMHW & T)—TCHG 105

Te Ao Hurihuri 2: Ngā Auahatanga - Innovations in care and education (TOA)—EDUC 103

Cross-Programme Priorities: Mātauranga-a-iwi and Education for Pacific Peoples

Key Dates


First half-year


February 15

Year One Programme commences


February 15 – 16

Ngā Mihi: First year campus-based orientation programme and Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop (compulsory for all Student Teachers)


February 26

Trimester 1 begins


Week of March 4

Trimester 1 Zoom hui with Centre-based Associate Teachers, 7 – 8.30 pm, for year 1, 2 & 3 practicum,


March 18 -  22

TCHG103 One-week placement (students out in pairs where possible)


May 16

TCHG103 Briefing for Four-Week Teaching Experience, 1.10 pm – 3 pm


May 20 – June 14

TCHG103: Professional Practice: Four weeks full-time in centres


May 28

TCHG103 Student support Zoom meeting, 2pm


June 6

TCHG103 Student support Zoom meeting, 2pm


June 20

TCHG103 De-briefing for Four -Week Professional Practice, 2-3pm


June 21

TCHG 103 Professional Practice assignments due.

Trimester 1 ends



Second half-year


July 08

Trimester 2 begins


Week of July 15

Trimester 2 Zoom hui with Centre-based Associate Teachers, 7 – 8.30pm, for year 1, 2 & 3 practicum,


August 19 – August 30

Mid-Trimester Break


October 11

End of Programme for the year


Whānau Ako

In Year 1, the focus is primarily on Student Teachers’ transition to the university context, rather than on wider professional learning communities. The First Year Experience (FYE) programme, built around the principles of Te Whāriki, establishes Student Teachers’ academic and professional identities. At Ngā Mihi, Student Teachers are introduced to the underpinning principles of the programme and begin community building within the cohort. A one-hour session takes place each week alongside timetabled classes, with other FYE activities integrated within classes as part of planned learning activities.

Through the FYE programme, Student Teachers are supported to:

  • see themselves, and engage as, life-long learners
  • be comfortable in seeking advice and support from others so they can be better teachers
  • recognise that to support others they need to take care of their own wellbeing
  • be committed to becoming the best teachers that they can be