Te Kōhungahunga—BEd EC

Key teaching practices for the Bachelor of Education (EC) are practical aspects of teaching that beginning teachers should be able to do from their first day.

Standard 1: Te Tiriti o Waitangi Partnership ǀ Te Hononga Pātui i Raro o Te Tiriti o Waitangi

  1. Recognise mana whenua and whānau, hapū and iwi knowledges, and affirm tamariki Māori as Māori.
  2. Model the use of te reo and tikanga Māori in all aspects of the learning and teaching programme.

Standard 2: Professional Learning ǀ Akoranga Ngaiotanga

  1. Provide evidence of ongoing critical reflection that enhances learning and wellbeing for nga tamariki.
  2. Collaborate with colleagues in respectful, open and critical professional discussions.

Standard 3: Professional Relationships ǀ Ngā Hononga Ngaio

  1. Participate with a child, their whānau and colleagues in respectful dialogue.
  2. Draw on the TCANZ values, code and standards to address a professional or ethical dilemma.
  3. Proactively apply strategies to meet professional responsibilities and enhance personal wellbeing.
  4. Actively fosters respectful relationships and listens carefully and responsively to children and whānau.

Standard 4: Learning-Focused Culture ǀ He Ahurea Akoranga

  1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of individual children’s ways of being, knowing, doing and relating, and whānau contexts.
  2. Explore diverse ways of working with Pacific peoples in order to sustain children’s languages, cultures and identities.
  3. Draws on relevant resources, expertise and professional learning opportunities to respond inclusively to support children’s wellbeing, learning, growth and development.
  4. Develop pedagogical approaches that address the affordances of the physical, emotional and spiritual environments.

Standard 5: Design for Learning ǀ Te Hoahoa Akoranga

  1. Carefully observes children’s interactions with people, places and things.
  2. Intentionally draws on theory and research to inform analysis of observations, working in collaboration with teachers, whānau and children.
  3. Provides a wide range of experiences that attune with and extend children’s interests.
  4. Participate within a teaching team to draw upon the contribution of theory, research evidence and the curriculum to inform pedagogical approaches.
  5. Work with children in ways that support their wellbeing, learning, growth and development.
  6. Maintains an awareness of the wider environment whilst working with a group or individual child.
  7. Works across the full range of the curriculum, engaging meaningfully with all children.

Read the indicators for year one.

Read the indicators for year two.

Read the indicators for year three.