Thesis students
This page lists all students currently enrolled to complete a thesis at ECS.
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Nabil Adam
Thesis Title:Haesum Ali
Supervisor(s): Dr Daniel Burmester, A/Prof Ramesh Rayudu
Thesis Title: Investigating Local Energy Markets for Enhanced PV and EV Hosting Capacity in New Zealand's Distribution NetworkMustafa Alqudah
Supervisor(s): Dr Timothy Anderson, Dr Jim Hinkley, Prof Alan Brent
Thesis Title: Fluidised bed receivers for beam-down concentrated solar powerBuddhima Amarathunga
Supervisor(s): Dr Jyoti Sahni, Dr Alvin Valera,
Thesis Title: Dynamic sensor relocation in mobile wireless sensor networksHayden Andersen
Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Lensen, Dr Will Browne, Dr Yi Mei
Thesis Title: Evolving Human-Friendly ExplanationsNishadi Ariyasinghe
Supervisor(s): Dr Simon McCallum , Dr Craig Anslow
Thesis Title: Alleviating Loneliness in Migrant Communities with VRNabeel Aslam
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Xiaoying Gao, Prof Bing Xue
Thesis Title: An Ensemble Deep Learning Approach for Fake News Detection on Social Media PlatformsBisma Ayaz
Thesis Title:Keila Barbosa Costa
Supervisor(s): Dr Heitor Murilo Gomes
Thesis Title: Machine learning for partially labelled data stream classificationJohniel Bocacao
Supervisor(s): Prof Ali Knott and Dr Andrew Lensen
Thesis Title: Improving algorithm safety tools for the New Zealand public sectorDuncan Cameron
Supervisor(s): Dr Alvin Valera, Prof Winston Seah
Thesis Title: Towards Dynamic Energy and Performance Management of Wireless Internet Service Provider NetworksKieran Carnegie
Supervisor(s): Dr Simon McCallum, Dr Gina Grimshaw (Psychology)
Thesis Title: Depth of Field Rendering affects comfort on Head Mounted Displays through minimizing discomforting motions during locomotionJunliang Chen
Thesis Title:Ruiqi Chen
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Yi Mei , Prof Mengjie Zhang and Dr Fangfang Zhang
Thesis Title: Machine Learning for Dynamic Job Shop SchedulingXiangling Chen
Thesis Title:Yuting Chen
Supervisor(s): Dr Craig Watterson Dr Karsten Lundqvist
Thesis Title:Ze Chen
Supervisor(s): Dr Yi Mei, Prof Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Machine Learning for Genomic Fish BreedingAnu Choudhary
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Ramesh Rayudu, Dr James Hinkley
Thesis Title: Carbon Emissions from Geothermal powerplant in New ZealandAbigail Clennell
Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Lensen, Dr Rachael Shaw
Thesis Title: AI-Driven Kākā Facial Recognition for ConservationTodd Cochrane
Thesis Title:Steve Cosgrove
Supervisor(s): Prof Winston Seah and Dr Alvin Valera
Thesis Title: Wireless Mesh Networking for IoT Sensors with Selectable Quality of ServiceCharlie Crighton
Supervisor(s): Dr Jens Dietrich, Dr Michael Homer
Thesis Title: Adoption of Behaviour Driven Development in New ZealandPaul Dagger
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Kris Bubendorfer & A/Prof Ian Welch
Thesis Title: Solving Trusted Execution Requirements at the IoT EdgeAlec De Leon
Supervisor(s): Bastiaan Kleijn
Thesis Title: Improving Diffusion based Source SeparationAmbica Dixit
Supervisor(s): Dr Mengjie Zhang Dr Bing Xue
Thesis Title:Lin Dong
Supervisor(s): Mengjie Zhang, Bing Xue, Ying Bi
Thesis Title: Genetic programming for image analysisNkiru Ede
Thesis Title: Networks of Knowledge Sharing - Complex Dynamics of Software ComponentsKirita-Rose Escott
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Hui Ma, Dr Aaron Chen
Thesis Title: Dynamic Workflow Scheduling in Cloud ComputingMathew Falloon
Supervisor(s): Dr Aaron Chen
Thesis Title:Jigang Fan
Thesis Title:Zhengxin Fang
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Hui Ma and Dr Aaron Chen
Thesis Title: Resource Allocation in Container-based CloudsAndrew Fawcet
Thesis Title:Jeanelle Frontin
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Paul Teal, A/Prof Marcus Frean, A/Prof Mona Krewel
Thesis Title: Information Measurement for Explainable Artificial IntelligenceYifan Gao
Supervisor(s): Winston Seah, Alvin Valera
Thesis Title: Satellite-based Quantum NetworkRoydon Goldsack
Supervisor(s): W. Bastiaan Kleijn, Hedwig Eisenbarth
Thesis Title:Dedy Hendro
Supervisor(s): Prof. Ian Welch, Dr. Yi Mei
Thesis Title: Explainable AI in CybersecurityJamey Hepi
Supervisor(s): Dr Yi Mei, A/Prof Ian Welch
Thesis Title: Native Flora Recognition and Diagnostics on a Mobile DeviceNimasha Herath
Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Lensen, Dr Anya Leenman, Dr Mairead de Roiste
Thesis Title: Harnessing the Power of Deep Learning and Earth Observation for Flood Forecasting in AotearoaChathura Hewa Algiriyage
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Karsten Lundqvist, Dr Craig Watterson
Thesis Title: Liminal Transitions in Software DevelopmentHiroshika Hinduramage
Supervisor(s): Dr Stuart Marshall, Dr Nadia Pantidi (CMIC)
Thesis Title: An AR Mobile Application for Training Children with ASD with Social SkillsFahimeh Hosseinnia Shavaki
Supervisor(s): Dr Jennifer Ferreira, Prof Alex Potanin,Dr James Quilty
Thesis Title: Developing a water quality monitoring and trading platform for agricultural areasXiaohan Hu
Supervisor(s): Prof Winston Seah / Dr Jyoti Sahni / Prof Colin Simpson
Thesis Title: Scalable and Patient-centric Medical Data SharingKun Huang
Supervisor(s): Dr Fanglue Zhang, Prof Neil Dodgson
Thesis Title: Dynamic Panoramic Video Leanrning and EditingRan Huang
Supervisor(s): Prof Winston Seah and Dr Jyoti Sahni
Thesis Title:Vladislav Ilin
Supervisor(s): Craig Watterson & Karsten Lundqvist
Thesis Title: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Digital Game-Based Learning to Enhance Medical Diagnostic SkillsFaisal Ishtiaq
Supervisor(s): Prof Bastiaan Kleijn, A/Prof Paul Teal
Thesis Title: Signal representation in probabilistic AutoencodersTaran John
Supervisor(s): Harith Al-Sahaf, Qurrat Ul Ain, Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Utilising Machine Learning to Extract Clinically Oriented Features for Skin Cancer DetectionJanani Kahahena
Supervisor(s): Dr Gideon Gouws,Dr Christopher Hollitt
Thesis Title:Chibuzor Kama
Supervisor(s): Dr Karsten Lundqvist, Dr Craig Watterson
Thesis Title: Using Game-Based Learning to Teach Engineering Ethics to New Zealand Undergraduate Students.Saad Khan
Supervisor(s): Dr Craig Anslow,Dr Brian Robinson
Thesis Title: Enhancing Radiological Diagnostic and Training Through Extended ReailtyCiaran King
Supervisor(s): Bastiaan Kleijn
Thesis Title:Simin Kou
Supervisor(s): Fang-Lue Zhang, Neil Dodgson
Thesis Title: 360-degree Videos Representation and ManipulatingSashika Kumarasinghe
Supervisor(s): Prof. Neil Dodgson, Dr. Fanglue Zhang
Thesis Title:Anton Lee
Supervisor(s): Dr Heitor Murilo Gomes, Prof Bastiaan Kleijn, Dr Yaqian Zhang
Thesis Title: Continual LearningSasha Leitman
Supervisor(s): Prof Dale Carnegie, Dr Jim Murphy (NZSM)
Thesis Title: Resonant InterfacesJia Wei Leong
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mengjie Zhang, Prof. Bing Xue, Dr. Junhong Zhao
Thesis Title: Machine Learning for Detecting (and Protecting) Seabirds from Fish Harvesting Images and VideosNing Li
Thesis Title:Xiaocheng Liao
Thesis Title:Bocheng Lin
Thesis Title:Benny Lin
Supervisor(s): Mengjie Zhang, Bing Xue
Thesis Title: Machine Learning Application in Computer VisionRichard Littauer
Supervisor(s): Kris Bubendorfer
Thesis Title: Building a platform to enable bioacoustic monitoring of avian populationsSaining Liu
Supervisor(s): A/Prof. Yi Mei Prof. Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Automated Algorithm Design for Large-Scale Vehicle Routing ProblemYiwen Ma
Supervisor(s): Dr Winston Seah Dr Jyoti Sahni
Thesis Title: Using Centrality-based Machine Learning for BGP Anomaly DetectionJordan MacLachlan
Supervisor(s): Dr Yi Mei
Thesis Title: Evolutionary computation for emergency dispatchPaula Maddigan
Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Lensen, Dr Rachael Shaw
Thesis Title: Artificial Intelligence for Smart ConservationAbdullah Mamun
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Ian Welch, Dr Harith Al-Sahaf
Thesis Title: APT detection using Artificial IntelligenceSubodhi Marcelline
Supervisor(s): Dr Gideon Gouws Dr Christopher Hollitt
Thesis Title: Low-cost method to detect milk contaminantsSam Mata
Supervisor(s): Dr Bach Nguyen, Dr Bing Xue
Thesis Title: Multi-Tree Genetic Programming for Long-Term Antarctic Ice Sheet ForecastingMayuravaani Mathuranathan
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bastiaan Kleijn, Dr. Andrew Lensen
Thesis Title:Nicholas Hemphill McCormick
Supervisor(s): Dr. Xiaoying Gao
Thesis Title: Using LLM's for text classificationCarl McMillan
Supervisor(s): Prof Bing Xue, Prof Mengjie Zhang, Dr Junhong Zhao
Thesis Title: Evolutionary Deep Learning for Building a Buoyancy Alerting System in NZ Mussel FarmsFinlay Metcalfe
Supervisor(s): Dr Hamish Colenso, Dr Simon McCallum
Thesis Title: Developing and Utilising Open Technologies to Create a FPGA Game PlatformZuhaib Mirza
Supervisor(s): Prof Alan Brent
Thesis Title: A multi-dimensional comparative analysis of the transition to renewable energySanjib Mishra
Supervisor(s): Dr. Ramesh Rayudu
Thesis Title:Rimas Mohamad Anfar
Supervisor(s): Dr. Qi Chen, Prof. Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Enhancing Model Interpretability in Genetic Programming-based Symbolic RegressionMichaella Moon
Thesis Title:Eduardo Mossmann
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Marcus Frean, Prof Stephen Marsland (SMS)
Thesis Title: A Topic in Game TheoryVani Mukundan
Supervisor(s): Dr. Ramesh Rayudu
Thesis Title: Impedance based stability analysis on IBR integrated power systemRasika Nandana
Thesis Title: Testing Earthquake Early Warning Systems for NZVinh Nguyen
Supervisor(s): Dr Alex Doronin, Prof Bing Xue
Thesis Title: Developing Machine Learning Solutions for 3D Rendering with Subsurface ScatteringRuben Nithyaganesh
Thesis Title:Immaculata Ojo
Supervisor(s): [[Main.JenniferFerreira][Dr JenniferFerreira]Dr CraigWatterson
Thesis Title: Building a Framework for Integration of Agile Practices in Software Engineering Courses in Tertiary InstitutionIsaac Oscar Gariano
Supervisor(s): Dr Marco Servetto, Prof James Noble
Thesis Title: Hybridly Typed Retroactive PolymorphismJunwei Pang
Supervisor(s): A/Prof. Yi Mei, Prof. Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title:Lisa Patterson
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Ian Welch, Dr Bryan Ng, Dr Sue Chard
Thesis Title: Data Privacy and Security: Investigating Safety of Internet Technologies for the Everyday UserJiyuan Pei
Supervisor(s): A/Prof. Yi Mei
Thesis Title:Isabella Pimentel Pincelli
Supervisor(s): Dr. James Hinkley, Prof Alan Brent
Thesis Title: Integrating material cycles in low-carbon energy transition analyses for Aotearoa - New ZealandSunethra Pitawala
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Paul Teal, Prof Mark McGuinness (SMS)
Thesis Title: Bayesian estimation of Bound Fluid Fraction from NMR relaxationRere Pope
Thesis Title:Zhuoyin Qiao
Supervisor(s): Dr Fangfang Zhang, A/Prof Yi Mei and Prof Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Machine Learning for Job Shop SchedulingMohsin Qureshi
Thesis Title:Agatha Rachmat
Supervisor(s): Dr Craig Watterson
Thesis Title: TBDRyan Roberts
Supervisor(s): Prof Alan Brent, Dr James Hinkley
Thesis Title: Understanding the Impacts of Community Energy in New ZealandDemelza Robinson
Supervisor(s): Dr Alex Doronin, Prof Bastiaan Kleijn
Thesis Title: Probabilistic machine learning for biomedical optical diagnosticsMindula Rowel
Supervisor(s): Dr Simon McCallum, Dr Craig Anslow
Thesis Title: AR/VR-based Memory Training Intervention for Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)Amer Saeed
Supervisor(s): Dr. Aaron Chen; Dr. Hui Ma;Dr. Qiang Fu
Thesis Title: Evolutionary Computation Approaches for IoT Workflow SchedulingMiru Samarakoon
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Paul Teal, A/Prof Marcus Frean
Thesis Title: Predictive Analytics in Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care WaveformsDaniel Satur
Supervisor(s): Prof. Alan Brent, Dr. Daniel Burmester
Thesis Title: Real-time simulation of inverter-based resources in a synchronous AC grid via hardware-in-the-loopYa Shen
Supervisor(s): Dr Aaron Chen, A/Prof Hui Ma, Prof Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Research in Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary ComputationManish Singh
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Alex Potanin, A/Prof Lindsay Groves
Thesis Title:Priya Singh
Supervisor(s): Dr. Ramesh Rayudu
Thesis Title: Interaction of large-scale wind farms with Power GridFengyang Sun
Supervisor(s): Hui Ma, Aaron Chen
Thesis Title: Knowledge-driven Optimization Algorithm for IoT Service CompositionSenfa Sun
Supervisor(s): Dr Jennifer Ferreira, Dr Dana Fridman (Design Innovation), Dr Gillian McCarthy (Design Innovation)
Thesis Title: Addressing Impostor Phenomenon in Collaboration Between UX Designers and DevelopersZiyi Sun
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Bing Xue, Prof Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Evolutionary Computation for Image AnalysisGuojun Tang
Supervisor(s): Dr. Alex Doronin, Dr. Paul Teal
Thesis Title: Biomedical Optical Imaging Aided by Machine LearningYuan Tian
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Yi Mei and Prof Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Genetic Programming for Project Scheduling ProblemHansi Udapola
Supervisor(s): Dr Simon McCallum, Dr Nadia Pantidi
Thesis Title: Role of conversational virtual agents in promoting social interactions in virtual reality environments among adolescents experiencing social isolationNisal Udawatta
Supervisor(s): Dr Craig Anslow, Dr Brian Robinson, Dr Stuart Marshall
Thesis Title: Immersive Cardiac Catheter Ablation Procedure for ElectrophysiologyAnnapoorna Vaddadi
Supervisor(s): Dr. Ramesh Rayudu ,Dr. Heitor Murilo Gomes
Thesis Title: Anomaly Detection in real-time Data StreamsMaryam Var Naseri
Supervisor(s): A/Prof Ian Welch, Dr Masood Mansoori
Thesis Title: Application of AI to Situation Awareness in the context of HoneypotElena Vasilieva
Supervisor(s): Dr. Alex Doronin
Thesis Title: Optical imaging and treatment of malignant melanoma aided by machine learningNathan Vine
Thesis Title:Ilya Vladyko
Supervisor(s): Dr Alex Doronin
Thesis Title: Monte Carlo modelling of Raman signal enhancement using power-efficient Apple processorsRajesh Vuppala
Supervisor(s): Dr Jyoti Sahni, Prof Winston Seah
Thesis Title: Privacy and Trust in Industrial IoTChunyu Wang
Supervisor(s): Dr. Qi, Prof. Bing and Prof. Meng
Thesis Title: Evolutionary Machine Learning for image classificationQinyu Wang
Thesis Title:Yujia Wang
Thesis Title:Nick Webster
Supervisor(s): Dr. Marco Servetto, Dr. Michael Homer
Thesis Title: Performant Strict Automatic ParallelisationJiahong Wei
Thesis Title:Jesse Wood
Supervisor(s): Prof Bing Xue, Dr Bach Nguyen, Prof Mengjie Zhang, Dr Daniel Killeen
Thesis Title: Rapid determination of bulk composition and quality of marine biomass in Mass SpectrometryZhicheng Wu
Supervisor(s): Prof Mengjie Zhang, Prof Bing Xue
Thesis Title:Baiyun Xiao
Thesis Title:Youkai Xiao
Supervisor(s): Mengjie Zhang, Bing Xue
Thesis Title:Hao Xie
Supervisor(s): Professor Ivy Liu Professor BingXue
Thesis Title: Multi-label feature selectionLiang Xu
Supervisor(s): Prof Bastiaan Kleijn, Dr Felix Yan
Thesis Title:Beihong Yang
Supervisor(s): Dr Aaron Chen
Thesis Title:Yifan Yang
Supervisor(s): Dr AaronChen, A/Prof Hui Ma, Prof Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Dynamic Multi-Workflow Scheduling in Network-aware CloudSteve Yuan
Supervisor(s): Fang-lue Zhang, Andrew Chalmers
Thesis Title:Dylon Zeng
Supervisor(s): Prof Mengjie Zhang A/Prof Ivy Liu Prof Bing Xue
Thesis Title: Image AnalysisHengzhe Zhang
Supervisor(s): Prof Mengjie Zhang, Prof Bing Xue, Dr Qi Chen
Thesis Title: Genetic Programming based Evolutionary Feature ConstructionJiayu Zhang
Thesis Title:Qiaochu Zhang
Supervisor(s): Daniel Burmester
Thesis Title: Interaction of Bidirectional Dynamic Wireless Charging for EVs with Power GridXiang Zhang
Supervisor(s): Dr Craig Anslow, Dr Stuart Marshall
Thesis Title: VR/AR Enhance Vocabulary Learning Effect of Children with Communication DifficultiesYe Zhang
Supervisor(s): Dr Winston Seah Dr Alvin Valera Dr Jyoti Sahni
Thesis Title: Resource Management in 6G NetworkYuye Zhang
Supervisor(s): Fangfang Zhang, Bing Xue, Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title:Bonny Zhao
Supervisor(s): Dr Aaron Chen,A/Prof Hui Ma
Thesis Title:Iris Zheng
Thesis Title:Haoyi Zhong
Supervisor(s): Dr. Fanglue Zhang, Dr Andrew Chalmers
Thesis Title:Yun Zhou
Supervisor(s): Prof Bing Xue, Dr Aaron Chen
Thesis Title:Luyao Zhu
Supervisor(s): Dr Fangfang Zhang, A/Prof Yi Mei, and Prof Mengjie Zhang
Thesis Title: Scheduling Heuristics Learning for Dynamic Job Shop SchedulingXuan Zhu
Thesis Title:Anjali de Silva
Supervisor(s): Dr Aaron Chen
Thesis Title: Evolutionary Computation for Community Detection in Social Networks