Your support

The development of a national centre of music is one of those rare opportunities that can inspire a community to create something magnificent.

Led by former Wellington Mayor Dame Kerry Prendergast DNZM, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington and Te Tira Pūoro o Aotearoa—New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (NZSO) have already raised $23 million of a $30 million target.

This fundraising initiative will create a space for the NZSO and Te Herenga Waka’s New Zealand School of Music—Te Kōkī, in the refurbished Wellington Town Hall. Wellington City Council has committed to funding the seismic strengthening of the Wellington Town Hall, which is currently underway.

We have secured significant leadership gifts towards our joint fundraising goal and seek support from partners who share our vision for a world-class national music centre in Wellington..

Get in touch

Senior Development Manager, FHSSE

Development and Alumni Relations Office