Study complexity science

Learn about how to study complexity science at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Pathways to studying complexity science

Complexity science is post-disciplinary in nature. That means it brings together epistemology, methodologies, and methods from many different areas. The focus is on how we look at a problem and what methods we use to generate insights about the state or evolution of systems in the context of that problem.

Studying complexity science requires a degree programme with a diverse set of coursework to develop the skills needed for this mix. With guidance and tutoring, it is then possible to develop a complexity science profile.

Art piece
Lonnie Hutchinson, All that you breathe, 2013, cut vinyl installation, Ngā Puhipuhi o Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington Art Collection.

The Wellington School of Business and Government at the University offers a flexible programme—Governing for the Future—that can be studied at Honours degree and research Master's degree level.

This programme of study is grounded in a core understanding of governance in its widest sense. It is designed to allow students to combine courses from across the university and dive into questions about possible or imagined futures for our world—whether realistic, utopian, or dystopian.

Find out more about Governing for the Future.

Contact us for information about how to study complexity science at the University, or learn more about our research.