Centre for Labour, Employment, and Work Symposium 2021

The CLEW Symposium 2021 brings together leaders in academic, business, and the public sector fields for a day of presentations and workshops.

Cancellation of CLEW Symposium 2021

Following the announcement by the Prime Minster that the country will move to a new 'traffic light' system to manage Covid-19 once 90 per cent of its eligible population vaccinated and it being unlikely that this goal will be reached by November 24, the planning committee has made the decision to cancel the CLEW Symposium 2021. The primary drawing card of the Symposium was a unique opportunity for researchers, policy analysts and those interested in the trends in work and employment to gather in-person so we have also decided not to run this event fully or partially online. We are, nevertheless, still planning on holding a full two-day Conference on Labour, Employment and Work (LEW Conference) in November 2022.  So, watch this space!

The LEW Conference offers attendees the opportunity to hear about current issues and research from a broad range of professions and work environments, including unions, government ministries and departments, and academic institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia.

Topics include labour market trends, work and income, workplace health and wellbeing, the impact of COVID-19 on work and workplaces, technology and future work, and labour law. We hope to also include a special session for postgraduate students who attend the conference.

Details for the conference will be available in early 2022.

Labour & Industry Journal Special Edition - Call for papers

Research methodologies for work, workplaces and employment: Methods that make a
difference, are engaging and can enable impact

This special issue invites methodological papers from any research tradition which consider methods that enable labour and industry research and researchers to be impactful for individuals, organisations, or society, a key aim for the majority of researchers in the business and management field (Salter et al., 2017). Fields of research include, but are not limited to, employment relations, human resource management, industrial relations, employment, and organisational studies.

For further information >>

New Zealand Law Society logo The CLEW Symposium 2021 is supported by the New Zealand Labour Law Society.