“Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition
Showcase your Chinese language skill at the annual Wellington regional competition.
The “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition (汉语桥) is back again for 2025!
Hosted by the VUW Confucius Institute and supported by CLEC, this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your Chinese language skills and hidden talents and be in to win a scholarship to study in China. The competition aims to encourage students in learning Chinese and deepen their understanding of Chinese language and culture. We welcome participants at any level to have a go. Jia You 加油!
Each year we call for entries for the Wellington regional competitions for:
Level | Competition theme | Requirements |
Primary (Years 1-8; no older than 12 year old) | 快乐中文 Chinese, Joy & Fun! | Talent, Q&A |
Junior (Years 9-10) | 追梦中文,不负韶华 Fly high with Chinese | Speech, Q&A and talent |
Senior (Years 11-13) | 追梦中文,不负韶华 Fly high with Chinese | Speech, Q&A and talent |
Tertiary (18-30 year olds) | 天下一家 One World, One Family | Speech, Q&A and talent |
Students are welcome to interpret the theme in any way they wish. For example, they might like to reflect on their own Chinese learning story, how learning Chinese brings insights into Chinese society and culture or how it can build their careers or support the New Zealand – China relationship.
Register by 9 May 2025. A competition will be held in Wellington on Saturday 24 May 2025. The winner of the Primary, Senior, and Tertiary competitions have the chance to represent the region (along with representatives from Auckland and South Island) at the global competition in China.
Register through the link below and email your consent form to Confucius-institute@vuw.ac.nz
Primary, Junior, Senior consent form
- New Zealand citizen or New Zealand permanent resident (of non-Chinese citizenship);
- Brought up in countries and regions outside China; and
- First language is not Chinese. If a participant is of Chinese descent, both of their parents should be non-native Chinese speakers, including dialects.
- In principle, participants in the previous global finals are not allowed to participate in the same competition for two consecutive sessions.
The competition is open to students who are currently studying at a New Zealand school in the Wellington region (from Bay of Plenty south to Wellington). Tertiary applicants should be a student of Chinese language attending any NZQA registered New Zealand Tertiary institute in the Wellington region. Students who meet the above requirements are encouraged to participate.
Speech and performance requirements
The competition will consist of two sections: Chinese speech and Q&A, and a talent presentation. Contestants are encouraged to wear traditional Chinese costumes, or their own traditional dresses if desired.
Chinese speech and Q&A
Chinese speech
Each student is invited to prepare a 2-3 minute Chinese speech on the topic. Students are encouraged to use props or other forms of demonstration to enrich their presentations. Speeches will be judged according to content, fluency, grammar, pronunciation, and presentation.
Primary school participants are not required to prepare a speech, but will be asked questions in Chinese after their talent performance.
Immediately after the speech or talent (for primary students), the judges will ask the participants two questions in Chinese. Judges may choose to ask additional questions, which should be answered in Chinese. Participants can prepare for these questions in advance. The question lists are listed below.
Talent performance
For the talent presentation, students should prepare a performance of no more than 3 minutes.
Each student is required to choose one performance art such as singing Chinese songs, playing an instrument, dancing, acrobatics, calligraphy, painting, paper-cutting, martial arts, etc. The presentation should last for no more than 3 minutes.
Talents must be performed on the competition day, audiovisual tools should only be used to support a performer, and performances cannot be pre-recorded.
Please note there is a strict 6-minute time limit for both speech and talent presentations.
Prizes and certificates will be awarded according to each student’s ranking in the competition. Certificates will also be awarded for other participatory categories.
The winners of the Primary, Senior and Tertiary competitions from the Wellington region, may have the opportunity to advance to the International Competition held in China later this year. These contestants will be notified in writing following the conclusion of the Wellington region Competition. All expenses for the selected contestants’ travel to China shall be covered by the Organising Committee of the global competition, with event time and location to be confirmed.
Winners of the Senior and Tertiary competitions can also win a future scholarship to study in China. Terms and conditions apply.
Chinese Bridge Competition Questions
Answers to these questions can be prepared in advance. Judges will ask one or two of these questions during the competition. Judges may also ask additional questions related to your answer, speech or talent.
Question list Primary Group Contestants
1. 你有猫/狗吗?它(们)叫什么名字?
2. 你喜欢什么颜色?
3. 你喜欢什么运动?
4. 你今年几岁/多大了?
5. 你有哥哥/姐姐/弟弟/妹妹吗?他/她叫什么名字?
Question list for Junior Group Contestants
1. 你有猫/狗吗?你有几只猫/狗?它(们)叫什么名字?
2. 你的生日是几月几号?你爸爸的生日呢?
3. 你喜欢什么颜色?为什么?
4. 你的好朋友叫什么名字?她/他今年 多大了?
5. 你喜欢什么运动?你每天都运动吗?
6. 你喜欢吃中国菜吗?你喜欢哪一道中国菜?
7. 你的中文老师是谁?她/他喜欢做什么?
8. 你知道“春节“吗?春节的时候,人们会做什么?
Questions list for Senior Group Contestants – coming soon!
Questions list for Tertiary Group Contestants – coming soon!
Please read all the competition details and ensure you meet eligibility and other entry requirements.
About Chinese Bridge: The “Chinese Bridge” speech competition is the most famous international Chinese language competition for non-native speakers, having become a popular reality entertainment show on Chinese TV. It has been organised annually since 2008.
More information about the “Chinese Bridge” Competition is available at http://bridge.chinese.cn.
For more information, please contact us at Confucius-institute@vuw.ac.nz.