A Drum Roll of Thanks from Rotorua Boys' High School to Xiamen University
A Drum Roll of Thanks from Rotorua Boys' High School to Xiamen University
In the hall of Rotorua Boys' High School sit six big drums. They are symbols of friendship between Rotorua Boys' High School and Xiamen University. This generous gift from Xiamen University is greatly appreciated by staff, students and parents.

In the hall of Rotorua Boys' High School sit six big drums. They are symbols of friendship between Rotorua Boys' High School and Xiamen University. This generous gift from Xiamen University is greatly appreciated by staff, students and parents.
The large size of the drums made their journey from China to Rotorua tricky and protracted. Patient and persistent negotiations by Victoria University's Confucius Institute with various authorities finally allowed the drums to be delivered safely to the school. The whole school is excited about the arrival of these six drums!
The school, located in Rotorua, is steeped in Māori culture. Students enjoy drumming and the school holds a Drums Competition every November when the whole school resounds to drum beats, including from Chinese drums. Rotorua Boys' High School also hosts annual Opening Days for intermediate students who can meet teachers and decide whether to join the school. The most popularly anticipated activity is to try some drumming under the guidance of the music teachers. This year, with the arrival of the new drums from China, new and old students will be "drumming up” even more rhythm and beat.