Internship Opportunities in China for New Zealanders - Apply Now!
Internship Opportunities in China for New Zealanders - Apply Now!
The New Zealand China Friendship Society has established a ‘NZCFS Internship’ for Young New Zealanders to engage in a self directed project in China. This internship is valued up to $5,000 and is open to New Zealanders up to 25 years (up to 30 years will be considered). Funds can be used to cover airfares, visa costs, insurance, travel requirements, per diem expenses and any other expenses relevant to the submitted proposal. Young people who have an interest in China are being encouraged through this opportunity to identify projects in China such as community projects, establishment of youth partnerships in China, cultural research projects etc. Applicants are invited to present their project by 20 January 2013. Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity!
Download guidelines of the NZFCS Youth Internship pdf495KB or read more on the NZCFS website.