Double Masters Degree Programme between Peking University and Victoria University

About the agreement

The aim of the programme is to make full use of the research and teaching resources of the two universities to provide a high level of education and training in international and interdisciplinary knowledge and to promote academic cooperation between PKU and VUW.

The programme will lead to the award of the Master of Public Policy of Peking University and the Master of International Relations of VUW, study which will be normally be for two years by full-time study.

The year of study at PKU will be equivalent to the first year of the Master of Public Policy of PKU, using courses normally contributing to that award. The year of study at VUW will be equivalent to the Masters of International Relations (MIR) of VUW, using courses normally contributing to that award.


  1. Entry requirements will be those of MPP (Master of Public Policy) at PK (Peking University) and the MIR (Master of International Relations) at VUW (Victoria University of Wellington), with the additional requirement for competence in English at the levels normally required in each University. Each applicant must satisfy the requirements of both universities before admission to the first year.
  2. Applicants are to apply for admission in the manner prescribed by the universities jointly. Selection of the students will be by agreement of nominees of the two universities.


  1. Progession from year 1 of the programme to year 2 wil be subject to full and prompt satisfaction of the academic requirements for year 1.
  2. PKU shall inform VUW whether each student in year 1 of the programme has satisfied all requirements for PKU to allow the student to progress to year 2 at VUW. VUW will provide the same confirmation to PKU.
  3. Each student progressing from one university to another under this agreement must supply the other university with all information requested

Master of International Relations at Victoria

More information on the Master of International Relations at Victoria can be found on the School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations website.