Specific sectoral impacts
How do disasters affect particular sectors of the economy, such as insurance, agriculture, or health?
Examples of specific sectoral projects
- Insuring earthquakes: How would the Californian and Japanese insurance programs have fared down under (after the 2011 New Zealand earthquake)? Cuong Nguyen and Ilan Noy. Disasters (forthcoming).
- Measuring the impact of insurance on urban earthquake recovery using nightlights. Cuong Nguyen and Ilan Noy. Journal of Economic Geography (2019).
- Measuring the impact of insurance on New Zealand landslip, storm and flood recovery using nightlights. Sally Owen, Ilan Noy, Jacob Pástor Paz, and David Fleming. Motu Working Paper (2019).
- Regressivity in public natural hazard insurance: A quantitative analysis of the New Zealand case. Sally Owen and Ilan Noy. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. (2019).
Agriculture and primary industries
- Droughts and farms’ financial performance: A farm-level study in New Zealand. Farnaz Pourzand, Ilan Noy and Yiğit Sağlam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (forthcoming).
- A viable and cost-effective weather index insurance for rice in Indonesia. Aditya Kusuma, Bethanna Jackson and Ilan Noy. Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (2018).
- The trade impacts of a food scare: The Fonterra contamination incident. Katarina Stojkov, Ilan Noy and Yiğit Sağlam. Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization (2018).
- Opportunity from disaster: Evidence of the Christchurch earthquake's effects on high schoolers' post-graduation outcomes. Harold Cuffe and Olivia Wills. SEF Working Paper Series (2018).
- The cost of being under the weather: Droughts, floods, and health care costs in Sri Lanka. Diana De Alwis and Ilan Noy. Asian Development Review (2019).
- Floods and pestilence: Diseases in Philippine urban areas. Rio Yonson. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change (2018).