Advisory Board

The activities of Te Āwhionukurangi—The Chair in the Economics of Disasters and Climate Change are monitored and reviewed by an advisory board.

The role of the Advisory Board is to have input to, provide advice on, and give active support to the research, teaching, and dissemination activities undertaken by the Chair.

Meet the Advisory Board

Dr Natalie Balfour profile-picture photograph

Dr Natalie Balfour

Head of Research
Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake

Dean, Wellington School of Business & Government

Wellington School of Business and Government

Head of School

School of Economics and Finance

Sean Fullan profile-picture photograph

Sean Fullan

Resilience and Recovery Manager
Insurance Council of New Zealand

Dr Richard Smith profile-picture photograph

Dr Richard Smith

Director, Resilience to Nature's Challenges
GNS Science