Job search
Here are some suggested ways you can search for work alongside applying for advertised job vacancies.
NZUni Talent
NZUni Talent job board is available to all Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington students and graduates. You can access job vacancies that best fit your study and requirements, including part-time, summer, internships, voluntary, full-time, and graduate recruitment.
Other job vacancy websites
Careers NZ provides a comprehensive list of current job vacancy and recruitment websites.
Do Good Jobs connect people and organisations that want to do good in the world, and find mahi with purpose, arming them with ways to amplify their efforts.
Glassdoor makes it easier for workers and companies to find the perfect match.
Student Job Search SJS matches tertiary students with employers. It is particularly useful for finding part-time or short-term contracts while studying.
Preparing to look for work
There is no one quick way to look for a job. A lot depends on the way in which you go about your search and the energy you invest in it. First, you need to know what you want to do - it is not easy marketing yourself to employers when you don't quite know what you are looking for or why.
Making career decisions will help you to identify your likes, dislikes, skills, attributes and ways to explore where and how you can apply these.
You can use our Self-Awareness employability module, where you can learn about your tendencies, preferences, strengths and weaknesses. This in turn will helps you to identify jobs that are right for you, convey your value in a cover letter and CV, present yourself confidently in an interview.
Once you've narrowed down to the field of work you'd really like to be in and the kind of job you'd ideally like to do, you can then find out about relevant employers and ways to approach them.
Applying for vacancies
When applying for advertised job opportunities, here's how to make the process seamless and efficient:
1. Check for a closing date
Begin by checking whether there's a closing date mentioned. If a closing date is provided, and it's well in the future compared to the advertisement date, use this time wisely to gather essential information about the position and the organisation, such as job descriptions, application forms, and insights about the company in LinkedIn and their website.
2. Choose the right application method
Determine the most suitable method of application, whether it's sending your CV and a cover letter or using the company's specific application form. Remember that applying demonstrates your interest in the role without committing to it.
3. Act quickly
Regardless of whether a closing date is given, it is best to apply early. If there is no closing date, it typically means the position will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are interviewed. In such cases, you can't afford to procrastinate. Immediately get in touch with the employer to find out about the timeframe before they start interviews.
Recruitment agencies
Agencies screen people applying for advertised vacancies on behalf of an employer. They will also search for candidates in skill-shortage areas. Recruitment agencies have to be orientated to employers as this is where their money comes from. There is generally no charge to job seekers using employment agencies.
Agencies are most useful if you have a clear idea of the sort of position you are seeking. This helps the agency refer you to employers who would be most interested in your skills and qualifications. Be proactive, keep in touch, and discuss your strategies and interviewing techniques with them. If you keep them informed of your progress they will take a personal interest in you. We cannot recommend any agencies over others. Ask around among your friends and social contacts for agencies they have found helpful.
Careers NZ has a comprehensive list of general and specialist recruitment agencies.
Creating and building networks
A large number of positions are still filled in by word of mouth. Advertising is often the least preferred method when an organisation has a position to fill. A well-presented CV from a motivated person with the right skills and experience can lead to a positive response from an employer. The personal recommendation of someone known to the employer may also have the same result, which is why involving your network of family, friends and associations can be so productive. They can put you on to valuable contacts within the organisations that interest you.
Send an introductory message to the key person that your contact has suggested. Your contact may be willing for you to use their name. Once you have found the right person be clear about why you are contacting them and what you would like to find out. Show that you have already researched the organisation. Tell everybody you know that you are seeking work and the type of positions that interest you.
The key to networking is to set up and maintain your LinkedIn profile. Build connections in-person through events or meeting for coffee, or online.
Information visiting
The purpose of an information interview is to find out more about opportunities in your area of interest or about specific occupations. If you are unable to find out from your contact who the key person is, then look in the organisation's website or talk to their 0800 information line for contact names. Be specific about the reason for your phone call and don't be fobbed off. Your follow-up approach is going to vary according to the size of the organisation and the occupation you are seeking, for example, your approach to a sales rep position would be quite different to that for a research assistant. When preparing for an information interview, research the organisation and read up all you can about the field prior to the interview.
Professional associations
Most associations encourage student membership. Such membership enables you to meet key people in the association, make yourself known to them, and in due course sound them out about employment opportunities. You can also subscribe to relevant professional newsletters to have full access to advertised vacancies in your sector and find useful information like the professional code of ethics, professional development, discussion groups, and forthcoming conferences online.
Another way of making useful contacts and gaining valuable work experience is through working as a volunteer. Community agencies and welfare organisations that rely on volunteers are obvious choices, particularly if you are interested in working in any of the social services, especially in counselling or social work. There are many other kinds of volunteering, however. It may be possible to spend time with your contact person observing them in their work. You could offer to help out in some way. It could be anything from helping at an event to undertaking a research or information management project. You learn first-hand about the nature of their work and also find out the best ways to go about applying for paid positions in their organisation.
To find out about volunteering opportunities as a student, consider all the different ways you can get involved. You can find volunteering opportunities through your local branch of Volunteer NZ. Voluntary roles are also advertised on the NZUni Talent jobs board.